The engagement

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Ounce Upon a time... or perhaps twice upon a time, for you may remember this story... there was once a fey named maleficent who had cured the princess, (Y/N)... she was cured to become his queen on her 16th birthday. but his plans were burned by a brave prince named arour who fought until there was light in the kingdom. although maleficent was gone, the moors were now unprotected from the humans, so prince arour and princess (Y/N) became the king and queen of the moor for one day they hope that ulstead and the moors could live together in peace. 

" next item of business, the missing fairies" (Y/N) said as the fairies and creates of the moor listens. " I've sent more sprites to search the tomb bloom field. they'll report back to me at nightfall. we will keep searching until we find them. " (Y/N) said as she sat on her throne full of flowers and tree vines as another one sat next to her, but it was empty. then one of the moor guards started talking making (Y/N) look at him, " please don't raise your roots at me, lief" (Y/N) said. " crushing humans with branches is not going to help. well, I'm queen of the moors, and I am a human, like arour." (Y/N) said as she looked at his throne and sighs, " who is nowhere to be found." she finished before standing up straight, " we must all learn a little kindness." she said but then the three good fairies flew up towards (Y/N) with something spiky, " a word, your majesty. maybe two." fauna said as she was blocking the view of what flora and fauna were carrying. " aunties... you need to wait your turn like everyone else" (Y/N) said. " no" fauna said, " this can't wait, your grace" flora said " not for a moment" Merryweather said before (Y/N) looks and said, " is that?" then the spiky ball unfolds and a creator. it stood up as it chitters to (Y/N) who smiled, " pinto!" she said in delight.  

" she's come bearing gifts, the first sap from the warming tree," Merryweather said, " it's for the big day!" fauna said making flora and Merryweather gasp,  before turning to fauna, " quiet, fauna" flora said in a whisper. " what big day?" (Y/N) asks in confusion, then pinto jumps up as grabs (Y/N)'s gold flower grown. " hey! my crown" she said as she stood up from her throne and cheesed after pinto who rolled away with the crown. " I'm not in the mood for this" (Y/N) called out.  pinto rolled the grown towards a tree making him flying the air with the crown, as (Y/N) was about to catch it the three good fairies caught it and flew away with it with pinto hang on while they giggled a little." aunties!" (Y/N) called out as she followed them till the ferries hit a tree dropping the crown. 

the crown was about to fall into the river before some water ferries caught it and flew it slowly towards (Y/N) who leans over a small bridge to get it, but as her fingertips touched the crown she hears a snap and fell over into the river as the railing of the wooden bridge broke. she lets out a scream before she hits the water, her dress, hair, and body were now shocked to the bone making all the creatures gasp as they saw the look of anger on (Y/N)'s face. " what's gotten into all of you?" she asks before getting up and following pinto who was still rolling the crown away, " there she goes, your majesty" Merryweather said before turning to the others and smiled. (Y/N) walks through the river as pinto goes under a willow tree, (Y/N) follows as the willow leaves blocks a bit of sunlight from her view, " pinto. I've had enough of your games for today" she said as she picked up her crown, " but I thought you liked games?" arour said as he came out of hiding behind the willow tree, making (Y/N) jump a bit,  " arour, there you are." (Y/N) said with a smiled as she walks up to him, " where have you been?" she asks, " I was looking for you" arour said as he was fiddling with his fingers, " I know how busy you are but I wanted to ask you something" he said. " oh?" (Y/N) asks. arour looked into her eyes and said, " do you think there could be a union between ulstead and the moors?" " a union?" (Y/N) asks, arour nodded his head, "  to connect both lands. to bring harmony and peace. I've been imagining a bridge" arour said making (Y/N) giggled a little, " a bridge?" she asks with a giggle making arour laugh a little too, " a union is a wonderful idea if both sides as willing," she said before arour said, " I'm still working on that part"

(Y/N) was about to walk away when she realized that arour was dress in his formal dark blue coat, " wait..." she said before turning around to face him, " that's your formal coat. you're in on all this, aren't you?" she said as she held up her crown, making arour smile as he looks away from (Y/N) as he licked his lips before looking back at (Y/N), " if you're busy, I could always come back" arour said as he was about to walk away but (Y/N) grabs his arm and said, " no. no, no. I'm not busy at all." arour smiles as (Y/N) asks, " what is it you want to talk about?". 

arour takes a small box out of his coat and hides it behind his back as he walks towards (Y/N) as he said, " five years ago, I thought I lost you forever by an evil monster. I've decided to reclaim this day for us. I've loved you since the moment I met you and every day since." (Y/N) gasps softly as arour stood right in front of her, " if love has truth, here is mine. no magic nor curse could ever tear me away from you, (Y/N)" arour then got down on one knee making (Y/N) gaps with a smile as arour takes the box and opens it to show a diamond ring inside, " will you marry me?" he asks. (Y/N) smiles as she wipes away a tear of joy from her eyes as she nodded, " yes" she said. arour smiles, " yes?" he asks, (Y/N) nodded as she said, " yes! yes just stand up and kiss me". arour then stood up, he placed the ring on (Y/N)'s finger before giving her a kiss.  

as arour and (Y/N) kissed each other the leaves from the willow tree flew away revealing arour and (Y/N) to the moors as arour picked (Y/N) up and spins her around as they both laughed, the moor cheers for them, before arour puts (Y/N) down as they both smiled at each other. but in the treetops, a crow was watching them, the crow let out a squawk before taking off in the sky. it flew away from the moors and into a cave where a man looks at the mountain view in front of him, the crow squawk at the man as it kept jumping up and down on the ground. the man waved his fingers and the crow turned into a man. the man was dress in black trousers, black boots, and a black shirt as he looked at the man, " master" he said. " what?" his master said as he kept looking at the view. " I have a little bit of news," diaval said nervously worried about what his master would say about the news he just found out. " well, on with it," his master said as diaval try to think of a way to tell his master. " it's nothing of any real consequence... and it's certainly no reason to overreact. it's just that... prince arour has, um..." he said but his master cuts him off, " disappeared? " he asks. diaval shakes his head as he placed his hands on his hips, " no. arour has..." he started but this master cuts him off, " yellow fever? no, wait! leprosy!" the master said. " no master. prince arour has asked (Y/N) if she'll become his...." diaval said but then his master knew what he was going to say and stops him. " don't!...." then the master turns to face him to reveal the lord of darkness.... maleficent. " ruin my morning" maleficent said before he used his magic and disappeared in black smoke as it traveled towards the moors. " master, please" diaval called out as he ran to the edge and watched his master, " stay calm!" he called out before he lets out a groan and jumps off the cliff before turning into a crow and following his master. 

* Hello everyone. thank you for reading this book, can't wait for you all to see this. just letting you know that I edited the ending of true loves kiss to make sense of the begging of this book, enjoy.* 

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