🌸It hurts so much...🌸

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House: Slytherin
Blood status: Pureblood
Year: 6th year
Summary: Y/n and Draco had been dating for 4-5 months but no one at Hogwarts knew and neither would anyone anticipate that, because since year 1 they had hated each other but over the summer after year 5 Y/n and Draco had been set up to tasks...we know what they are Y/n has to kill Dumbledore, and Draco has to fix the Vanishing Cabinet since he is better with the books than Y/n *no offence* let's see what happens...

[sorry if there are too many Slytherin ones but this one has to be to make sense but imagines with other houses are coming soon :))]


Harry's POV... (I know weird but wait...)

Since year 6th has started Y/n, and Draco have been acting weird, by weird I mean...like they haven't been at each other's neck and have been spending time together and have been really quite, so I am gonna keep a close eye on them,

It was Saturday so no classes and only a few people were down in the great hall for breakfast, including Y/n, Draco and their friends, Blaise, Daphne, Tracey, Pansy, Theodore, and Adrian...

Y/n's POV...

Me, Draco, and my friends were all eating breakfast before we left for Hogsmeade,

Daphne said a very stupid joke making all of us laugh that's why I've been avoiding Daphne because she makes me laugh and I can't show any happiness without the mark hurting me, this time it sent big jolt of pain up my arm, throughout my body,

I let out a low whimper my eyes tearing up, no one knew about the mark other than Draco, so I abruptly got off my seat, and left the great hall

Harry's POV...

I suddenly saw Y/n abruptly get off her seat soon Draco following with a worried look, they can be up to no good...so I got off my seat after a few seconds they left...

"Harry? where are you headed to?" asked Ron stopping me,

"he's been watching them all this time he is following them, Harry don't you think it's getting a little much?" asked Hermione,

"guys we don't know what they are up to...but I know it's not anything good" I said walking away,

"wait! we are coming!" exclaimed Hermione grabbing Ron's arm dragging him away from his chicken,

"Hey! I wanted to finish that!" whined Ron...we all walked out the great hall but we didn't see them anywhere,

"wait...do you hear that?" asked Hermione bringing my attention to the quiet sobs coming down from the empty hallway to our right...

Without wasting any time I turned that way following the sounds down the hallway to the first right turn where it was a dead end hall but we didn't turn to that hall since they were there, we just hid by the corner to see what's happening

I watched as Y/n slid down the wall crying as Draco tried to comfort her, again TRIED you can tell he isn't the one who is used to being on this side of a situations like this,

Y/n's POV...

I slid down the wall with tears down my face as Draco tried to comfort me,

"luv...um...it-it's gonna be okay" he said trying his best, it kinda made me smile it was adorable making the pain worse making more tears go down my face,

He was now kneeling in front of me as my knees were pressed against my chest,

"I- It hurts so much..." I sobbed out,

"hey...shh- darling it's ok...it's ok I am here" he said pulling me closer,

he kissed my forehead and then tilted my face up to his as my eyes met his he lightly pecked my lips,

"I know it hurts right now luv...but it's gonna get better alright?" he reassured me wiping my tears,

he sat himself down beside me with his back against the wall,

"come here" he said patting his lap with one hand, and making grabby hands with the other, I straddled him as I made myself comfortable,

When I was in a comfortable position I heard a sniff like a sniff people have after crying thinking it was Draco I brushed it off but just hugged him tighter,

Draco's POV...

Y/n straddled my lap and then I heard a sniff thinking it was Y/n I shrugged it off and pulled her closer to me, making her feel better,

Harry's POV...

I heard a sniff from behind the one you get from after crying so I turned around to see Ron taking a handkerchief from Hermione wiping his tears,

"what happened?" I asked confused of his reaction,

"they ar-*sniff* are go-*sobs* going through s-*wipes his tears* so much bu-but they are still their for each other-ahhhh" he said as he dramatically started crying by the end of his sentence,

"Ron! are you really feeling bad for them! they! are not good people okay?! they are the bad guys they are trying to hurt us!" I said reminding Ron,

"I can't do it anymore Draco, it hurts so much I can't wait that long why don't we just get it done and over with.." I heard Y/n exclaim,

I turned back around she was now standing up looking frustrated and angry,

Y/n's POV...

"I can't wait for 5 more months Draco!" I said getting angry,

"why don't we sit down and tal-" he said trying to calm me down,

"no! let's just get this done and over with..." I said getting tired as the pain slowly went away,

"because! Y/n if we don't follow it! we are gonna be sucked into this thing worse than we already have!" he yelled back

"Do you think! I want to do this by choice!" I yelled back again,

"I know! you don't want to do this...neither do I- Hogwarts is my home more than the Malfoy Manor will ever be!" he yelled back breaking down,

I softened my face at his state I am not only one stressed right now he's also hurting, I walked towards him hugging him,

"I am sorry...I forgot about your worries..." I said pulling him closer,

He just broke down sinking us back down onto the floor,

that's when I heard "why can't just everything work out *Dramatic cry* ahhh" I know that wasn't Draco, I abruptly stood up and Draco looked up at me confused,

Harry's POV...

I grabbed Ron's arm dragging him away as Hermione followed I shortly looked back to see Drco pulling her back down as she embraced him in a hug,

when we were far away from there I said "we have to figure what they are up to, it's nothing good"

"Harry...it doesn't seem like they want to do it" said Hermione,

"Still! it doesn't make whatever they are about to do any better..." I exclaimed

Ron just walked behind us still wiping his tears,

"I was not ready for that" said Ron as he continued to wipe his tears...

1202 words...

Heyo! lmk how you like that and I hope you enjoyed it and I hope your day is going good and pls comment because I luv reading them it literally makes my day, and comments help me make my story better :) well I hope you luv ur self BB! cuz I luv you!!!! BYEEEE! you look beautiful by the way😍 💅😌


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