🌸she's beautiful...🌸

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House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: Half-Blood
Year: 6th Year
Summary: Draco and Y/n have been best friends since they were 5 since Y/n's mom who is a witch was close with Narcissa since school days, moving on Y/n comes back to the Malfoy Manor the summer before Year 6 to find- well...you'll see and the story goes on from there! Enjoy!

Y/n's POV...

I reached the Malfoy Manor through the floo network as every year when I do in the summer on June 1st few days before his birthday the gorgeous motherfucker I am in love with but also am best friends with- yup just...best friends T-T,

As I walked into the living room finding it empty I moved myself to the dining room to find Narcissa sipping on her tea,

"Good morning, Mrs.Malfoy um do you happen to know where Draco is?" I asked,

"He's outside in the garden strolling wi-" said Narcissa but before she could finish her sentence I bolted towards the back door,

"NO RUNNING! And he is-" before I heard her finish her sentence I was out the back door,

I strolled around the huge garden where you could easily get lost if not familiar with it,

After a bit of walking around I finally spotted the blonde ferret but his back was faced towards me so I quietly walked towards him from behind him as I tapped his shoulder,

He was startled for a split second when he turned around,

"Seriously Asto-" he stopped himself mid-sentence furrowing his brows at me,

"What? expecting someone else" I said chuckling,

"Y-Y/n? when did you- what are you doing here?" he asked genuinely lost

"What do you mean I literally come here every summer dumbass, I swear you are losing it by the year ma-" before I could finish my sentence he continued,

"Sorry I mean didn't mother tell you? I thought I told her..." he said lost, I was too now-

"I am sorry what-" I asked,

He slowly and hesitantly raised his left hand showing me his ring finger which funny enough had a ring on it, and then he pointed his finger behind me,

I turned around to find that Astoria had popped out of nowhere as she stood there smelling some of the flowers as she hadn't noticed me,

"Um...me and her were engaged the day after we came back from year 5" he said awkwardly smiling at me,

That's when I felt my whole world fall apart, but I pushed through the pain and shone him a smile, because he looked happy,

"Wow, ya....she's- she's beautiful" I said as me and Draco looked at her following butterflies,

"Yeah she is nice I was originally going to be engaged to Daphne but you know how stubborn she is so I was fixed with her" he said smiling at her, but talking to me,

"So...do you want this?" I asked at the verge of tears trying my best to pull them back in,

"Yeah! I mean what's not to like about her right?, nice smile, nice personality, rich, independent" he said finally looking at me there was some uncertainty in his eyes but he didn't let it show,

"well...Congratulations! really thought you were gonna take your single ass to the grave" I joked trying to  lighten the mood, or I guess my mood...pathetic-

"Hey! I am gorgeous, who wouldn't want me?-" he said flipping his imaginary long hair, I chuckled but inside I had tears streaming and he was right who wouldn't want him,

Draco Malfoy Smut and Fluff (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now