Reading Order

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Hi everyone! For those unsure of the reading order of the AU, here is a breakdown of the timeline. As new fics are added to the timeline, they will be added to the list. This is to read all the fics in CHRONOLOGICAL order of events! Please note that it is highly, highly recommended that you read each of the fics in chapter release order according to this list, as reading through the entirety of one fic will cause you to miss events in the others fics. These events are often integral to the other fics, as ALL of them are operating under the same large overarching plot. Yes, there will be some scene crossovers, but as the plot starts to thicken, things happening to two particular characters will have a ripple effect (or potentially directly involve) characters in the other fics.

Please note that if you do choose to read just one of the fics and not the others, I am not responsible if you are missing information from the other fics. These are not standalone stories. This is one large AU encompassing all of the characters, but allowing me to individually explore the characters within the AU through character-centric stories. It gives me more room to include exposition and thoughts of each of the individual characters and explore them as characters.

HA = Happy Accidents
WAI = Who Am I?
PE = Purpose and Expectation
BS = Bonded Souls

HA 1-33
HA 34, WAI 1
HA 35, WAI 2
(etc etc until)

HA 57, WAI 24

BS 1, WAI 25, PE 1
BS 2, WAI 26, PE 2

(etc etc).

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