Chapter one-Terry's POV

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,,I'm just sitting on the couch and watching some movies,whatever the fuck pops up on HBO while Korvo is just trying and trying to work on that stupid ship.
When will he discover that it's never gonna work.
And I still don't know why he wants to leave Earth that much,it's not so bad down here.,,
Korvo comes in ,,Terry!This ship mission is never gonna work,I've tried Everything!,,
,,Well I don't know smart guy,maybe you don't know everything after all,,I tried to joke with him
,,And who's trying to say I don't know it all.*sigh* maybe we should try and attend a new adult human school,but this time the main course is physics and they want from us to actually know shit,, he talked long as usual
,,Uggh!Can we at least attend a fun university?Not some crappy school for physics,I'm not smart enough for that,,
I said trying to sound insecure,but I was just too lazy for physics
,,Not a fucking chance,if you go to school,you need to work,not just party every night or fuck every possible female.,, Korvo said in a angry commanding voice,as he always does.
,,Ok fiiiiiine,I'll go,but don't push me into studying too hard,YOU do your shit while I do mine,sound fair?,,
,,Fine whatever but I'll still have you on my eye,you need to help me more.JESSE,YUMYULACK!!COME OVER HERE!!,,
Jesse and Yumyulack go down the stairs with the pupa in their hands.
,,What the fuck do you want from me now?I was having fun playing video games.,, said yumyulack in a lil higher tone
,,Well you guys must know,Terry and I will attempt to go to school again so we can learn more about fixing the ship,alright?,,
,,Ok Korv,don't worry,we'll be just fine,,said jesse calmly
,,Ok,we'll go now with our bags to see if we can get into one of the best universities,if we do get accepted,we move into our dorms right away so take care and keep the pupa safe,,said Korvo while both of us were getting ready.

,,I am so excited about going in this school,even tho it's gonna be about physics and I'm dumb,,

[Hope thats was a good start to this story:)]

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