Chapter six-The prank

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(Sorry I was gone for a while,school is killing me rn,but here's another chapter)
*Your POV*

It's been 2 weeks and we already finished the first two exams,It was exhausting.
Now we need to wait one week so we can see if we passed.
This week I had seperate classes from Terry and Korvo.
They were doing their stuff,while I was doing mine.
But every time we meet up(cafeteria or dorm)I see that Terry is struggling with studying and always looked tired as hell.I thought that maybe Korvo wasn't helping him with studyingand had to do it himself,idk.

We meet up again in the Cafeteria.
We were just eating the regular lunch they had at the school.
Both Terry and Korvo seemed a bit upset for some reason.I tried asking what's wrong.
,,Terry pulled a prank at our history professor,he got caught,and for some reason he didn't seem to care!"Korvo answered me,angrier than ever.
,,What's so wrong about a teacher being OK with a prank,the heaven's wrong with you Korvo,that was funny and you know it!"Terry yelled.
,,But what was this prank that you're even talking about,stop yelling like morons and explain like normal people"I was annoyed,and wanted to know what's the big deal.
,,Well If you wanna know,Terry hid a living snake in the professors water bottle,he almost got bit while he was taking a sip!"
,,What the?!Terry where the fuck did you get a snake from,that's too extreme man!"I got a lil mad,cuz that's still a human being,a snake is too much for a normal prank.
,,I just found it on the ground OK?!I was miserable for a whole week,with no sleep and no fun just beacues Korvo didn't wanna help me with work,so I wanted to entertain myself!!Plus I was mad at the history teacher,and the subject,I fucking hate history!!"Terry started just yelling at me.
,,That's still too much man!!You're kinda being a dick to the professors,they're doing their jobs!!"I said back,being all pissed.
Korvo stood up cuz he finished eating and was tired from our bullshit
,,Guys,I'm going to our room,deal with this on your own,I'm tired too."and he just left us even tho we weren't even listening to him.
,,Did you just call me a dick?Protecting the teachers over a roomate!WOW!"
,,Yes Terry,you are being a dick to all the professors,you can't run from the truth!"I started to rage even more.
,,Oh you bitch,you're gonna pay"Terry said angrly but a lil quieter maybe with a smirk.
,,Ok asshole,we'll see!"I said mad,stood up and went to our dorm.

♧Was this long enough?Idk,but I'm gonna finish at least two chapters today :)♧

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