Chapter five-Movie night

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*Your POV*

We made some popcorn,sat down,and tbe movie night started.We picked a comedy so we can laugh from enjoyment.
What was even better,Terry let out the cutest giggles I've ever heard and jokes even more about other stuff along with the movie.
He's a great guy if I'm honest.
I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I wanna touch him,or just even be close to him
Imma lay on his shoulder.

*Terry's POV*

God damn I love make her laugh at my jokes,she laughs so cute-
Hold up...did she just put her head on my shoulder?...
...fuuck yes ^^.....
I tried running my fingers through her h/c hair,it was too soft.
I don't know if it's right or wrong for me to feel like this about her,does she wanna be with an alien at any chance?
Maybe I'm overlooking stuff.

*Your POV*

The moment he caught my hair,God damn those goosebumps are legit,up and down my spine.
After a few seconds from out of nowhere,I stared at him and he happened to stare at me.I decided to just let myself into feelings,so I leaned in for a kiss.
He did the same thing surprisingly.
It felt like this warm energy in my stomach,prolly the butterflies,as we continued on a deeper kiss.
I went from sitting next to him to sitting on his lap.
All of a sudden he pulled back and asked ,,Wait,hold on,do you really want this?Do you ACTUALLY wanna be in a relationship with an alien?,,
I said ,,Terry that doesn't matter,the answer is yes.,,
,,There's all those beautiful men outside and you pick me?I don't even have a-,,
I stoped him ,,No no no,I don't wanna hear it,I still don't care if you're not a human,or if you don't have a sexual organ.,,
,,Are you absolutely sure,cuz I don't want you leaving me or anything.,,
Hw said a lil nervous
,,That will never happen,trust me.,,
I said and then went for another kiss.
He immediately kissed me back.
His hands were moving around my hips while my hands were on his back.
It was all going good until we heard someone coming to the door from the hallway outside.
,,Fuck that must be Korvo!,,
Terry said all scared.
Both of us seperated quickly enough before the door opened.
,Hey guys,hope you didn't wait too long.,,
,,Nah it was all fine man,don't worry about it,hehe.,,Terry tried to act normal.
,,Oh ok good,lemme just set my stuff ready for tomorrow and go brush them damn teeth.,, Korvo said
,,Ok big guy do your stuff.,, Terry replied fast so he can go away.
Terry draged me close and whispered
,,Until next time hunn,,.
Then he stood up and started to get ready for the next day.
I was thrilled by his presence,holy shit.

(Hope this was long and good enough,I tried to make it a lil romantic bur idk,I'm not the best.)
(P.S I now realize how many spelling mistakes I have made,I'm sorry for all of that,It was late at night when I was writing it so my eyes were tired and crossing,I tried to fix everything I could)

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