Chapter three-Terry's POV

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*The first day*

I woke up to the sound of an alarm at 6 am.I felt too tired but had to get up.
Korvo was already up while Y/n was still sleeping on the seperate bed.
,,Terry can you wake Y/n up please?Today I'm in a separate class from you two,you have time,I'm late.,,Korvo said while leaving the room and shutting the door.
I went to wake her up
God she was so cute while she slept
Wqit a minute what the fuck am I doing,just wake her up.
,,Hey Y/n,good morning,we have to get up,it's our first day.,,I tried wake her up without scaring her
,,Oh hey Terry,are we late?,,Y/n said while rubbing her eyes.
,,No no no,we have about 20 minutes to eat and get to class.Btw we have separate classes with Korvo,he's already in first period.,,
,,Oh Ok,,

[Time skip after breakfast]

We ate our eggs and started to get ready.
,,Alright let's go,,I said trying to start the day positively.
,,Alright,this will be fun,make sure you don't get in trouble on your first day.,,
Y/n tried to joke.
,,You got it sugarbun,,.I replied flirty with a wink,without even noticing.
Y/n giggles while blushing just a slight little.

[Time skip at lunch break]

Y/n,Korvo and I found a table to sit together.
,,So how are you guys doing?,,Korvo asked while eating.
,,Ywah it's been good so far,we had block classes in physics and one in chemistry,they were a little hard but we get better classes after lunch.,,
,,Yep,luckily I don't have to focus all day,next class is art class,finallyyyy something fun.,,I said trying to act all funny.
Y/n laughed a little.
Korvo then started on saying how his day worked.
,,Dammit I wish my first classes were physics and chemistry,I wanna pay attention and learn something,hope that this university wasn't a big fucking mistake.,,
Even tho Korvo was going on and on about his day,I wasn't focusing that much on him,beacues I couldn't help but notice every time Y/n laughed.It was a little cute,but should I be really feeling like this,I mean I am an alien after all...
,,Terry!Are you listening?,,Korvo asked being a little mad.
,,Wait what?Sorry I am a little tired.,,
,,Ugh!The question is when are you not tired,whatever,I asked if you and Y/n would come later after classes so we can study?,,
,,I was thinking of taking an hour rest before studying.,, I said calmly
,,No,Today you're gonna have a full day of hard work,no excuses.,,Said Korvo commanding me.
Y/n had no problem tho,damn she isn't even problematic,she's nice and sweet and..Can I stop thinking like this?Just eat your Goddamn food,jeez.

(I tried to make this one a little longer,hope it's good)

~☆college roomate☆[ terry x reader ]☆~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora