Chapter four-Your POV

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(Classes are done for the three of you)

All of us went to the library,as planned,after classes so we can study.
Korvo tried really hard on concentration but it was really hard cuz Terry was always making jokes instead of focusing,and I couldn't help on laughing.He was just a funny sweet dude.
,,Shush!!We are in a fucking library,people are trying to concentrate!I'm trying to concentrate!,, Korvo said whispering but with anger.
,,Ok blue blob,we'll keep it down.,,I mocked Korvo making him more pissed.
,,Both of you are un-be-lievable!,,Again whispered Korvo with anger,then stood up and went to another chair were he was alone.
Then I wanted to actually concentrate so I started working as well.
Terry was having a hard-ish time understanding so I helped him with everything I could.

Surprisingly we finished earlier than Korvo,maybe beacues we were two people working together idk.
,,Why don't we just wait for Korvo in our room?Maybe we can do something fun,not just sit in this fucking library.,,
Terry said as quietly as possible.
,,*giggle* sure,,

[Time skip to our dorm]

,,Hey Terr wanna watch a movie or play some board game?,,I asked so the time passes a little faster.
,,Oh no need for a board game,I got some preeeetty *wink* good movie options.,,Terry replied.
,,I was hoping for a movie,don't plan om raging over a board game haha.,,
,,Ha you're prolly right missy,now Come oon,let's turn on that HBO and pop some poppy corns,we gonna have a movie niight!,,said Terry,as excited as he can be.

(Sorry it's a lil short,I'm writing this in the middle of breaks from my online classes,next one will be longer,I promise)

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