Chapter Nine-Feeling better

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Your POV:
I opened my eyes,and felt that I was sweating so much.I must've been heated up too much.I mean,it is June.
Idk why,but I felt fresh.I wasn't tired exhausted anymore.I had a good feeling for today.
I checked my phone for the time.It said 12:35 am,and the date was June 6th.I've slept for 3 days since June 3rd.This was bad.I had 3 exams today starting from 1pm.
I had to get ready as quickly as possible.
But just when I stood up,I got goosebumps down my spine.
Terry was sitting on a chair,staring at me with a smirk on his face.
,,Good morning princess..did you sleep well?"he started getting close to me.
,,Yeah ig.."
,,Ok Imma quit playing around,what's the problem,tell me everything,you were sleeping for 3 days non stop and before U sent you to bed,you were wasting yourself on books for almost a month..actually maybe more...It doesn't matter!Just tell me,what's wrong?"
,,I-idk.."I didn't get to finish.
,,Nope,I am listening,I shape shifted into an ear."
,,Ok that's funny,but really I don't wanna talk about it rn."
,,Hmm...maybe we should all finish with work,I think we're done on June 25th?"
,,Great,you have some time until then,to fix up your grades with the last exams,then you're gonna tell me everything without any pressure,sound good?"
,,Thanks on the free space Terry,sounds good:)"I chuckled and looked at him with a little smile.
He then hugged me and said
,,I love you sm you little piece of shit^^"
,,Aww,love you too^^"
,,Ok we better get to classes now;)"
We both exited through the door while still talking.
,,Wait,where the fuck is Korvo?" I asked.
,,He was at the study group again,what a boring looser,he's probably in the classroom already,waiting alone,pahaha."
,,Oh ok..but you don't think I'm a looser too right?.."
,,Noo no no not at all,you just had some problems with your grades,before that you were perfectly fine,but Korvo is always like that,he's mad when he gets an A-,what a douchebag!"
,,Pahaga Ik!"
We continued to talk while walking down the school halway.
Then a weird guy was standing there,looking creepy as hell,staring at us.We were both weirded out.It was Robin,the quiet kid that is always suspicious in his acts.
We walked past by as if he wasn't there.
Then he whispered
,,They're watching..."
,,What the hell was that?"Terry asked quietly.
,,Don't pay attention to him,he's the quiet sus kid from the older groups,his name is Robin."
,,Oh Ok...damn what's with all these guys names,Marvin,then Robin.."
,,Ik right,why would you give your kid a name that sounds like a fucking superhero-villain!"
,,PHAHAHA IKR!Ah pathetic."
We arrived 5 minutes before class started and we were the last ones to get in. Everyone was in a rush..

□That's all I got for now.I tried adding like a new character.And I tried to get the characters of Terry and Y/n be more friendly and get closer to each other,not just sexual acts<3□

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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