Chapter 1: And So It Begins

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After a long day at UA, Deku walked back to his dorm room. He didn't make it even two steps in the doorway before somebody started dragging him away. "Hey! Who's pulling me? I have things to do you know!", Deku shouted. "Shut up nerd!", a gruff voice responded. Deku knew that voice, it belonged to Bakugou. His childhood friend. Something had happened between the two very recently. They had gotten into a fight after Deku tried to save Bakugou from the LoV. After the fight they had both been put on house arrest, or rather, dorm arrest.

Something strange happened while they were on dorm arrest though, Bakugou had suddenly pushed Deku into a wall and stared at him. Just stared at him. It wasn't an angry glare, he wasn't sad or happy, he was just staring at Deku with a blank expression on his face. Just as suddenly as he'd done it, he let go of Deku and went back to cleaning and washing the dishes. Deku had stood in shock for a while before going back to dusting the window sills. It was odd but they hadn't spoken about it since.

Now, as Bakugou dragged Deku towards the blonde's dorm room, Deku wondered if that's what this was about. We're they going to talk about it? Or was this about something else? Bakugou finally pushed Deku into a room, Bakugou's dorm room. Deku watched Bakugou close the door behind them and nervously wondered if this was the day he died.

Bakugou turned to face Deku, once again staring at him with a blank expression oh his face. What was he thinking? Before Deku had the chance to speak, Bakugou walked up and kissed him. Deku was completely shocked but eventually just let it happen and kissed back. After they pulled apart they both stood in awkward silence, just staring at each other. Deku felt as if Bakugou was burning holes into his head with those fiery red eyes, and Bakugou felt as if Deku had gotten into his head and was peering into his soul with his angelic, emerald eyes.

The both of them just stood, admiring each other's eyes for a while. Then Bakugou opened his door and Deku took the hint and left. On his walk back to his own dorm, Deku's mind was racing with questions. Why did Kacchan kiss him? What was Kacchan thinking as he stared? Did this mean something to Kacchan? Did this mean something to him? Did he like Kacchan?

Bakugou had a little bit of a different thought process. His mind was filled with: Omg! Did I really just do that?! I'm such an idiot! Did I imagine it or did he really kiss back?! Why did I just let him- no, make him leave? What was I thinking?! Should I go after him? No! Don't make yourself look desperate Katsuki! Omg, why can't I just act normal around him?! Ugh! Love is so complicated, I'm not emotionally stable enough for this  bull-crap!

The next day, all through the class the two exchanged awkward glances. Neither was calm enough to approach the other and neither could pay attention during classes. In between their last two classes, they bumped into each other on accident in the hallway.

"O-oh, sorry Kacchan!", Deku yelped in surprise. Bakugou had a light blush on his face but didn't want to admit it. "Whatever nerd, just watch where you're going.", he said harshly. You idiot! Don't be rude, why would you say that?! He thought. They both brushed it off and kept walking.

Later that night, something happened that would be harder to brush off. Much harder.

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