Kamideku?! What about Bakudeku?

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Deku nervously knocked on Bakugou's door, questions burning in his mind about the kiss. He watched the door with anticipation as Bakugou slowly opened it. "Hey Kacchan, can we talk?", Deku asked. Bakugou said nothing, he just sighed and opened the door more, signaling Deku to walk in.

"So... what was that kiss about last night?", Deku asked. "I'm actually not really sure, I just kind of did it without thinking.", Bakugou replied. "Oh." Did it not mean anything to him?, thought Izuku the teenage cabbage.

Obviously the two teens were misunderstanding each other, so the Goddess of Love decided she'd step in. Her name was Mina, and she was listening through the wall. For some reason she thinks she's a love guru. This meant trouble for Greeni Beanie and Spiky Chihuahua Boi.

Mina burst through the door, not caring that it was rude, and pushed Deku into Bakugou before running away like she spotted a sale on prom dresses. Bakugou and Deku were now on the floor and in pain from falling. Deku was on top of Bakugou and Bakugou was not on top of his feelings, meaning he couldn't control them or his thoughts.

They nervously jumped away from each other and sat on the floor cause neither was smart enough to stand up. Bakugou then, once again, kissed Deku. This was a BAD IDEA because it only caused MORE CONFUSION! What is with these kids and not being able to express their feelings properly through words?!

Deku was surprised but still managed to be the first one to speak even though he was a stuttering mess. "D-do you like me b-back Kacchan?! C-cause I like you a-and this is getting really c-confusing!", he said. Bakugou silently nodded his head while trying not to make eye contact. Even though it wouldn't matter because their lips just made contact for the second time without ANYONE CONFESSING!!! Seriously, kids are dumb. Even though I am one. And yes I'm now talking to you through the story dear readers, hello, I am now god. Say hi back please, or don't, whatever floats your boat.

"So, a-are we gonna d-date or...", Deku asked hesitantly. "If that's what you want...", Bakugou said praying that's what he wanted. Since I'm a nice god I'll answer his prayers! "Yes!", Deku replied way too quickly. Way to look desperate. Bakugou chuckled at this thinking it was cute cause he's a simp. Simp also just tried to autocorrect to 'wimp', just thought you should know!

Deku smiled brighter than my future and decided it was really late. He went to his own dorm to sleep but soon heard a faint knock on his door. He opened it, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Whoever was knocking clearly didn't care that it was almost 11pm. Great. -_-

Kaminari stood before him, a faint pink blush apparent on his pasty skin. Boy this kid was pale, does he ever go outside? "Um, do you have a moment? It's okay if you're really tired, I can come back tomorrow!", Kami said. "No, it's fine. What'd you need?", Izuku the sleep deprived leaf asked. "I was wondering if I could sleep in your room for a few nights? I started getting nightmares and I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone else...", Denki nervously replied. "Oh! Sure, you can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor!" "No! I couldn't ask you to do that! I can sleep on the floor as long as I know someone else is there.", Kami said. "How about we both sleep in the bed? It's not like it means anything.", Deku suggested stupidly.

Way to not look sus Deku. Kacchan totally isn't very insecure and definitely won't immediately assume you're cheating or just never loved him. Fantastic idea. ^>^ Kaminari agreed because he and Deku share 1 brain cell and they both climbed in bed. In their sleep, they ended up cuddling because their subconsciously chaotic and I swear they crave drama. That morning, Uraraka completely ignored the word 'privacy' and just waltzed into Deku's dorm room.

She originally came in to ask Deku to borrow some hero notes but when she saw the two morons cuddling she assumed they were dating because who wouldn't. She had guessed Deku was gay for a while now but wasn't sure, and everyone knew Kaminari was proudly Bi. She snapped a few pictures and skipped out of the room. She meant to send them only to the Dekusquad group chat but she misclicked and sent them to the whole class. Yikes.

Bakugou, being a psychopath, had woken up at 5am to do some training. He immediately saw the pictures and felt the storm of rage boil inside him like a fiery tornado of pain and betrayal as he stomped over to Deku's dorm room. Thoughts wouldn't stop swarming around his head like a sea of hurt. Does he only mean to play with my emotions? Does he actually love stupid Pikachu?! How did round face get these photos?

I think the better question was why Uraraka took a picture of two teens sleeping, like a creepy stalker, but okay Bakugou, those are valid points too. Bakugou threw the door open and started yelling immediately. "What the actual duck is this Deku?!", he asked while holding up his phone to show the pictures and pointing at the green and yellow streetlight boi beans. Deku and Kaminari, half asleep, asked in unison "What do you mean? We were just sleeping together.".

Poor word choice boys. When it finally dawned on the idiots what they said could be interpreted wrong, they started panicking and saying "It's not what it looks like! That's not what we meant!". "Save it.", Bakugou said. "We're done Deku. And to think, it hasn't even been 24 hours before you cheated and used me." Denki hadn't known they were together so of course now he was freaking out. Deku was in tears trying to pull Bakugou back and explain everything to him but Bakugou just pushed him to the floor and walked away.

You stupid angsty teens. Now Deku was sobbing as Uraraka, who heard the yelling and walked over, tried to comfort him and blamed herself. Which, it was partially her fault but also Deku and Denki put themselves in this situation. Denki just sat in the bed, still under the covers, and thought about what just happened.

Multiple students were replying to the pictures now and Uraraka deleted them, trying to tell the others it was a misunderstanding. But it was too late and the damage was already done.

Speaking of damage, Momo had to practically kill Mineta for replying with "Guys shouldn't date each other!". Horrible Mineta. Sorry if you like Mineta but don't worry I'm gonna give him a redemption arc cause why not?

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