Traitor... rEvEaLeD~~~

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Deku went to the living area and greeted Sero as he moonwalked backwards into the base. Yuh~ get into it! Sero stopped only to finger gun point and wink at Deku who rolled his eyes and dragged Sero off so they could play a drinking game. Totally not cause I wanna focus on another character for an arc right now......... :)

Uraraka, Iida, and Tsu were still shaken up about Todoroki being kidnapped and Deku being a villain. Wow, they don't even think about Aizawa, that's nice! -_-

But they got even more shaken up when Todoroki and Spinner walked into their hangout and killed them all lol. Jk, but they did walk in and it's battle sequence time. And character arc time for Shoto!!!

It was 2 against 3 but Spinner brought guns and Todoroki is officially bonkers now so.... Yeah Uraraka used her float to get Tsu above and try to grab the gums from Spinner with her tongue but Spinner shot her tongue off... yay

And Iida went running towards Todoroki but Todo just nonchalantly used his fire to make Iida dodge it and go flying into a wall. Iida was asleep but not dead, like his brother. 😏😎

Tsu was only good for hopping and puking her stomach out now, which I think is pretty cool ngl. And Uraraka is just kinda standing there like "oh Swiss cheese of Ireland this is bad". So yeah, Spinner also had knives that he stole from Toga and he stabbed her, and Todobro wrote "The Iida family sucks" on Tenya's forehead.

Todoroki laughed and fist bumped Spinner. "Good first run kid!", Spinner congratulated him. Todoroki nodded, said his thanks, and the two put on disguises to go eat out at a Soba place. While eating, Spinner said sorry the LoV had to torture him, it was just standard protocol. And Todoroki said "why the ponytail is standard protocol to straight up torture someone til they join? Did you do that to Deku?" To which Spinner replied "no, he creeped us out too much. Kid been through a lot. But uh... yeah it's standard protocol cause we don't know any other method." "How about asking?..." "ohhhhhhhh"

And then the LoV always asked first and then tortured if they didn't like the answer? :)

The end.

Of this chapter, there's still more of my leftover burned brain cells you get to read. Don't worry, I got plenty of horrible chapter ideas.

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