Lets Play Dolls

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In the morning, Deku woke up in Dabi's room like usual cause even though he's rooming with his cousin Shiggy, he still sleeps with Dabi a lot. He went to his actual room to see Shiggy had somehow rolled off the bed and then under it in his sleep. Yes I did that as a kid, don't look at me like that!

Deku grabbed one of Twice's hoodies he "borrowed" because Twice buys the good detergent and a pair of short shorts that couldn't be seen under the hoodie. He ruffled his hair after changing and did some quick makeup. Just some concealer, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and lip tint. He also put a broken heart mark below his right eye cause why not. His leg tattoos were visible now and he liked to look at how cool they were.

He slipped on some really creepy looking bunny slippers that had their teeth falling out and stitched up ears. He also put fake blood on them cause he was bored and Toga gives great fashion advice. Sometimes.

He walked out to get some breakfast before torturing his new play things. He saw Mineta downing the last carton of OJ, that bench peep. Deku grabbed some cereal and ate it as Dabi walked up and sat next to him, waiting for Toga to wake up and make him pancakes like she promised. Shiggy walked by and further ruffled Deku's hair.

I feel like the story's starting to slow down again, we gonna fix that. ;)

Deku finished eating and made a feast of food, setting it in front of his new human torture dolls and waiting for them to wake up. When they did, they stared at the food and glared at Deku. Shoto just stared at the cold Soba Deku put right in front of him. Then Toga walked in and helped Deku "safely" amputate Aizawa's foot. Poor Eraserhead. :(

Dabi, Shiggy, and Twice then took turns talking about how good the food was and eating it. Spinner threw pumpkin seeds at Bakugou cause he hated him for hurting Deku the precious sin-namon roll. And Mineta and Big Mama cut Todoroki's mouth open and took off his chains so he could join the LoV.

Todoroki's brain is still a bit fuzzy from everything...

On the bright side, being the all powerful goddess I am in this book, I had them let Aizawa go. Of course they knocked him unconscious and stapled a threatening note to his chest right before they dumped him outside of All Might's house. But they did let him go, so give them credit where credit is due. After a while of Todoroki joining in on throwing pumpkin seeds at Bakugou, everyone finally left the room and now Deku and Bakugou were alone.

"Well it's time to play dolls, doll!", Deku said hi with a wink. Bakugou was understandably feeling very worried right now. Deku started torturing him by reminding him of every failure of Bakugou's life, including ending All Might's career. Then moved on to listing the names of everyone he's ever hooked up with. (That he can remember) I told you, homeboy is a player now. And soon, broccoli baby decided to just plain beat the Keanu Reeves out of Katsuki.

Profanity? Don't know her. :)

Explosions galore ended up with a busted lip, a black eye, a bloody and probably broken nose, a severely bruised chest, and a newfound fear of Deku.

Deku's hands hurt a little bit. 🥺😭
Poor baby broccoli he doesn't deserve that. :(

I mean he has murdered a lot of people now, and broken several hearts, but you know, who cares, he's the protagonist!

Deku left to go greet the UA traitor, who should be coming back by now.

Dekubaku angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें