Deku did what?!

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The whole school day, Bakugou avoided everyone and people kept asking if Kaminari and Deku were dating. Mineta apologized for his comment and acted really weird about it for some reason. Maybe it's cause he only said that cause he's in the closet! Bet you didn't see that coming! Kaminari decided to ask Kiri to sleep in his room instead, explaining the situation and how he didn't want to cause any more harm. Kiri agreed and Mina even offered a solution to Kaminari's nightmares. Mina still never apologized for pushing Deku into Bakugou lol.

Deku desperately tried to get Bakugou to talk to him but to no avail. It seemed like things could never go back to how they were for that brief 5 minutes where they were awake and dating. How stupid is this story? You can comment. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being awful and 10 being not at all!

Finally, at the end of the day Deku had had enough and decided that they only dated for a portion of a day anyways so he should just move on! Even though he had a crush on Bakugou since like the 1st grade. Bakugou considered talking to Deku but his pride and ego were bigger than my level of not caring. And that's saying something.

Deku and Bakugou didn't talk for a whole month and the rest of the class started to get worried. Then one day, they saw Deku outside the dorms, kissing Shinso. Boy did he move on and rebound quickly. And no one even knew Shinso liked guys. This was all kinds of shocking. Bakugou felt stupid for not listening to Deku or trying to give him a chance, but now it was too late. Yes, this story is moving real fast but you wanna see some real speed?

~Time skip: 3 years later!~
Deku had gone missing after he and Shinso split when Deku decided he no longer liked him. You see, Deku's heart completely broke because of Bakugou and he tried to convince himself it didn't by dating Shinso but he knew it wasn't fair to Shinso to use him like that.

The only people who knew where Deku was were the LoV, which he joined, and the countless guys Deku had dated and dumped. Luckily none of the guys really knew anything about him. Deku had become quite the playboy and even occasionally hooked up with Dabi for no particular reason.

That's how severely heartbroken Deku was, the villains were able to convince him he'd never be happy as long as he was too close to Katsuki. Deku hid his real identity but the public was well aware that a new villain joined the league, they just didn't know who. Deku took on the name of 'The Killer of Hearts' because he'd often kill his victims, which were all male, by kissing them with poisoned lips and leaving his calling card, an engraved lipstick tube with his name filled with poison in their dead hands. Also, he would remove their hearts. ;)

Deku just finished killing his most recent victim, a pervert 40 year old man who hit on him in an alley way. He entered the LoV base and waved hi to Mineta, who joined because his parents disowned him for being gay. The LoV took Mineta in and now he's known as 'Miko Sasuke' to hide his identity. But Deku ignores that and still calls him Mineta from time to time. Deku hooked up with Mineta once but they quickly decided not to let it happen again because Mineta wanted to start a real relationship with someone else and Deku understood. Mineta was dating some random dude from off the streets who didn't care that he was a villain.

Deku walked up to the bar and sat down next to Dabi, asking the purple mist man to pass him a bottle of Tequila. I just wanna make it known that I don't support underage drinking but they're villains so they don't care! Because it's been 3 years Deku is now 19 so he is of age to be considered an adult but I'm going by U.S. drinking laws so he can't legally drink until he's 21.

Deku, ignoring every law that ever was, drank the Tequila like it was the last time he'd ever be alive. And Dabi just stared at him like 'What is wrong with this hurt child'. Even though he knew what was wrong, it was the anniversary of the day he broke it off with Shinso. That day was awful. He let Shinso down easy and it was no problem until Bakugou overheard and called Deku an attention-seeker for dating Shinso if he didn't love him. Of course, Bakugou was just hurt and he now regrets it but you can't change the past and so now Deku was drinking in a run down villain base next to a man whose killed thousands of innocent people. Life was good.

This is definitely not a slow burn in terms of plot but in terms of when the happy Bakudeku ending arrives you're gonna have to wait a while. Deku stumbled to his room and walked in to see Shiggy asleep on the floor. They were roommates btw. Deku sighed and picked Shiggy up, placing him on the bed, yes there's only one bed. Relax people.

Deku went to sleep as well and only woke up when Toga poured freezing water on him. "What the Mississippi River?! What was that for?", he yelled. (I don't cuss so be prepared for weird replacement things!) "Shiggy says get up, we have to go on a mission!", Toga replied smiling. Deku changed into a dryer version of his villain outfit. It was just the typical suit you see in most fanarts but with a lip piercing cause why not? They walked through the portal and into a bank. And this is where it got interesting.

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