Dabi Confesses

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So obviously Deku and Sero get super drunk and hookup, duh. But then, the title of this chapter happens!!! 😱 Dabi confesses.... To taking a few of their whiskey shots for himself. Deku's pissed and throws a pillow at Dabi and Sero just says "nice". Then, Sero leaves Deku's room and Dabi stays to watch a movie with Deku. Awww, they're such good friends with benefits!!!

The two besties watch early 2000's teen rom-coms, and then go to sleep. Shiggy goes to his room to find Deku and Dabi cuddling in his bed, and so he decides to just go sleep in Dabi's room. (And he may or may not have been super petty and stole all his left shoes).

The next day, Deku goes to torture Baku-no again, but this time he has Dabi with him the whole time cause he knows Kacchan still has feelings for him. He tortures him by cutting his arms up a little while Dabi plays with Deku's hair, then just slapping him for a couple minutes while Dabi hugs Deku, and then he just kisses Dabi in front of Katsuki and leaves. Dabi winks at Bakugou like a mother forker on the way out with an evil, smug grin on his face. Katsuki is silently crying and realizes just how far he pushed Deku.

If he hadn't been so angry and insecure, they could've talked it out and prevented this. That's when it dawned on Bakugou... Mineta was gay!

No shirt balls Sherlock!!! Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled chaos. ——>

Deku drank a lot that night, he saw a look in Bakugou's eyes while torturing him that made him feel kind of guilty. But that was stupid! Wasn't it?

Deku also thought a lot that night, did he still have feelings for Kacchan? It had been over 3 years and their relationship lasted 5 whole minutes but Deku had been in love with Kacchan for much longer than that. Deku had loved him the first moment he ever laid eyes on him as kids.

There was only one thing Deku was sure of now. I was an evil goddess for switching his vodka for vinegar while he was on his 6th cup!!!

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