Spellcast 1: Maledictionem

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'Sir Arthur...'

There was a heavy sudden sound of a heartbeat echoing around Arthur as well as a familiar voice as he saw himself lying on the floor dead...

'I curse you...'

The voice spoke as in this moment he saw a pair of skeletal hands rise up from the floor around him, slowly reach up and grabbing for his face.


The voice buzzed up and the sound of rushing wind returned to him as well as a feeling of free falling and-


Arthur's eyes flashed open with a start, his breath rapid and his body shaking. Amidst his heavy breathing, his eyes darted around his surroundings in a daze. He was not in the witch's tower... He was in fact lying in his own bed within his living quarters in the lower left side of the palace. A white morning sunlight poured in through the small window located a little higher up from his bed and there was the sound of the usual daily rounds of staff within the palace from outside.

It was upon realising where he was, Arthur quickly sat up in a panic, his first instinct to feel over his chest. He wasn't in his armour, rather his usual linen night wear. He took off his shirt, looking down for a wound, however he was quick to see there wasn't any... there wasn't even a scar left from the attack, the skin was fresh and unpierced. He then threw off his blanket, looking straight ti his feet which had been blistered and burnt... except... they hadn't. Rather they looked as healthy as ever. Hell... even the scrape he had on his cheek was no longer there... His hand slowly dropped from his cheek as it felt as though a wave of relief had just dropped all the tension in his shoulders. A dream...

The revelation was quickly cut short by the sound of now heavy knocks coming from the door on the other side of the room.
"Arthur! You up?" A loud and sturdy voice boomed from behind it as Arthur gulped down his panic. He didn't think he would be so relieved to hear such a familiar voice again.
"Coming! I'm just getting dressed!" Arthur announced, getting up from his bed.

Once Arthur had dressed into some casual attire, this being a white loose ruffled shirt and some plain black trousers he opened the door. Before him stood was rather bulking large man, with tanned slightly darker skin than Arthurs own. Aside from how much muscle the man had and how he seemed to tower over Arthur one of his most striking features was how bald he was. The mans red coloured shirt and black shorts was covered by a singed and messy dark brown leather apron. The man by appearance alone would seem quite foreboding, it it was not for the friendly glimmer in his brown eyes. It was then this person held up Arthur's sword to him, which was in its sheathe as always.

"I sharpened it up for you again..." the man stated flatly as Arthur took the sword from him curiously.
"Th-thanks... but didn't you sharpen this for me the other day?" Arthur brought up, a little surprised to its appearance. The man raised an eyebrow at Arthur.
"Well technically it was a month ago... but that doesn't make things any better! That should have stayed sharp for a good four or five months, just what are you battling out there?" The man proceeded to grumble at Arthur who scoffed a little to this.
"You should know, considering I bring you back the material for your weaponry Break!" Arthur pointed out, wrapping the strap over the sheathe over his back, the man known as Break shaking his head to this with a sigh.
"Yes, well when you go slicing up dragons, try to aim for the tender parts of their body!" Break scolded him as Arthur then paused, looking back up to the blacksmith confused.
"Wait... did you say a month ago?" Arthur double checked, his mind only just seeming to clock on what Break had said, the man frowning at him for this.
"Didn't you hear me the first time?" He asked as Arthur proceeded to give a rather conflicted expression at this... he could have sworn it was just two days ago when he last-

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