Anubis | Chapter 29

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A day later...
Once again, after the Laylamon fight, the group had to spend a day resting up, still struggling to find a way to defeat the demon lords. It was clear as day though that tension was only rising more and more in the group, as once again, everyone was in a heated argument about what to do next.
"Come on Taeka, why don't you try out your armor Digivolutions next time we fight?" Cora says.
"NO WAY!!" Taeka shouts back in anger. "I will NEVER use Gargoylemon again!! Besides, armor Digivolution won't get us to the mega level!!"
"Why don't you just try Allomon then?" Lily asks.
"You're too young to understand, Lily! Let the older kids deal with this!" Taeka snaps.
"Hey! I'm still a Digidestined, even if I'm younger then you!" Lily barks back. Everyone continuously yells back and forth, but this time Erik and Labramon are the ones sitting on the sidelines.
"...It's been nothing but this all morning. It's never ending." Erik sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I know, we don't even know which demon lord we're supposed to be fighting next!" Labramon exclaims, looking up at Erik's sunken posture. "Hey Erik, what are you thinking about?" He asks.
"...I can't stop worrying about Blaine. All of us together struggle with just one demon lord, and he's taking on one just by himself. He's just as much of a part of this group as everyone else he's. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him. Or if...He..." Erik's eyes widen in fear, thinking of all the worst things that could happen to Blaine. Then, a soft, blue glow starts to form on Erik's bracelet, Labramon cocking his head curiously to look at it.
"HIYAH!! HIYAH!!" Suddenly they're interrupted by Gummymon, who was jumping in the air, striking little poses.
"Hey Gummymon, what are you doing?" Erik asks, kneeling down to the little Digimon's level.
"Trying...To...Figure out...How to Digivolve!" Gummymon grumbles. "I hate not being able to fight...And I wanna Digivolve so I can wipe that smirk off of Demidevimon's face!!"
"You really don't like that guy, do you?" Labramon says.
"Heh, seems like Gummymon's found a rival for himself." Erik says, a slight smile. "Just make sure not to hurt yourself, alright?"
"Yeah...I'm gonna be...The best!" Gummymon says confidently, continuing to strike poses.
"Erik...Why don't you just tell the others that you're worried about Blaine?" Labramon says. "I'm sure it would help the arguments as well." Erik is silent for a moment. "Yeah, you're right." Erik stands up, approaching the group, but before he can say something, a giant, dark Digimon flies over the group for a second, silencing everyone.
"That was Belphemon!" Lily says.
"Yes! Quick, let's chase him before we lose him!" Everyone obliges, running after Belphemon's trail. Erik sighs, following along.
'...I guess later then.'
Sometime later...
Everyone stays hot on Belphemon's trail, continuously following him without being spotted, until he eventually stopped on some higher up mountains, laying down.
"Is he...Sleeping?" Cora asks, eyeing the big Digimon.
"Either way, he's alone and vulnerable, so this'll be the perfect time to attack!" Taeka says confidently. "You guys ready?"
"Wait Taeka, shouldn't we have a plan first?" Erik says, but gets ignored.
"Alright, LET'S GO!!"
"BLACKGABUMON DIGIVOLVE TO...SANGLOUPMON!! SANGLOUPMON DIGIVOLVE TO...MUMMYMON!!" All four strike at Belphemon at once, knocking him back for a bit and waking him up.
"Wha? Who woke me up?!" Belphemon grumbles, glaring down at the group.
"Ugh, not you guys. I'm not in the mood for this!" Belphemon flaps his wings, ready to fly off, but Wingdramon tackles him and pins him down, the others grabbing onto him as well.
"Let...Me...GO!!" Belphemon shakes as hard as he can, but everyone maintains their grip, all striking at him. This only seems to anger Belphemon though, as he slowly builds a power in his horns.
"LIGHTNING HORN!!" Belphemon thrusts electrified horns at Wingdramon, sending him flying and crashing into the trees, as he shakes off the other Digimon.
"Ugh, I am NOT in the mood for this!!" Belphemon growls, flying slowly up. "Daemons at the mountains you fought at last, why don't you go bug him instead?!" Belphemon grumbles, flying away and out of sight before anyone had any chance to catch up.
"Well that went...Oddly." Cora says, crossing her arms. Taeka runs over to Wingdramon, nudging him gently.
"Wingdramon, can you get up?" Taeka asks, Wingdramon groaning as he shakes leaves and branches off.
"Kangarumon, are you ok?" Erik asks.
"Yeah, no worries, he just shook me up a bit is all!" Kangarumon responds, standing up confidently. Erik gives a slight smile, but his face falls, Kangarumon noticing right away.
"Alright guys, get up, let's go and find Daemon!" Taeka calls.
"...You're still worried about Blaine, aren't you?" Kangarumon asks, Erik nervously looking up at him.
"Just ask Taeka if we can go check up on him!" Kangarumon exclaims, Erik silent for a moment, before giving off a sigh, turning to Taeka.
"Taeka, can we actually go check up on Blaine instead?" Erik says, a bit nervous. "He's fighting a demon lord all by himself...And I'm getting a bit worried about him..."
"Huh, Blaine? He'll be fine, what's important right now is finding Daemon!" Taeka says, Erik surprised by how quickly she brushed him off.
"...What..." Erik looks in disbelief, as he also gets ignored by everyone else who is getting up, ready to leave, before he sighs in defeat, not wanting to argue with anyone.
Meanwhile, with Blaine and Tylomon...
The two are still training in the same area as always, now trying to help Tylomon use and master his anchor attack.
"You...Sure about this, Blaine?" Tylomon asks as Blaine readies one katana, pointing it towards him.
"Yeah, I think if I attack you with something more dangerous then these rocks and pebbles, it might be able to bring out more of that power." He says, readying his second katana. "I'm just gonna throw these at you, so just try and either dodge, or use that anchor attack. Try not to worry if you can't attack right away, and stay calm." Tylomon takes a deep breath. "Alright."
"HYAH!!" Blaine chucks one katana, as Tylomon swiftly dodges it. Blaine then quickly chucks the other, as this time he smacks it away with his tail, now feeling a bit of adrenaline and power welling up in him. Then, without warning, Blaine swiftly grabs a rock, chucking it at Tylomon...
"HEAVY ANCHOR!!" As Tylomon spits out another anchor, completely crushing the rock midair, crashing into the mountainsides.
"...Whoa..." Blaine looks in awe, as Tylomon breathes heavily. "I just threw that rock to see what would happen with a surprise attack, but...That was pretty good." Blaine says, smiling at Tylomon.
"Thanks, I...I didn't think that would actually hit the..rock..." Tylomon huffs in exhaustion, but manages to give a slight smile. "I think I'm...Starting to get a better hang of this."
"Why don't we test that power out, then?" A voice comes from nowhere, as Blaine and Tylomon turn to face a familiar face...
"Plesiomon..." Tylomon glares up at the giant, graceful Digimon.
"...Where's Leviamon?" Blaine says, standing his ground.
"Resting. No need to worry about him though, when I'll be taking you both out right now anyways." Plesiomon threatens in a calm tone, Blaine and Tylomon looking at each other nervously.
"...You ready for this?" Blaine asks, his voice low and serious.
"...As ready as I'll ever be."
Sometime later...
The group went to the area they last saw Daemon, like Belphemon said, and found him, also with SkullSatamon and LadyDevimon. The group hid behind some faraway rocks, ready to attack.
"Alright guys, here's the plan." Taeka turns to face everyone. "I think if we take out one of Daemon's friends, we'll have a better chance to fight and defeat Daemon himself. So all of us at once are gonna attack SkullSatamon, then go after Daemon. How's that sound?" Everyone looks between each other, nodding in agreement.
"Yeah! I'll attack him from the ground, he won't even see it coming!" Prairiemon chimes in.
"And me and Kangarumon will then attack him from the sides!" Mummymon adds.
"Yeah! Then Wingdramon will attack from the sky, and then finish him off!" Taeka says excitedly. "Alright guys, let's get into position!" Everyone walks off in different directions, ready to attack.
'...I hope this goes by quick.' Erik thinks to himself. 'I still can't stop worrying about Blaine...' Erik's bracelet then starts glowing blue again, this time noticing it.
As all the Digimon finally get into position, Taeka gives them all a thumbs up, indicating to attack.
"DIG-A-DIG-DIG!!" Prairiemon strikes first, attacking SkullSatamon from the ground.
"PLASMA GUN!!" Then Kangarumon and Mummymon strike next, popping out from behind some rocks.
"DRAGON'S ARROW!!" Finally, Wingdramon strikes, the final attack causing SkullSatamon to instantly poof to dust.
"YEAH!! You all did it!!" Taeka cheers.
"Wha-what the hell?!" LadyDevimon looks in surprise from the sudden attack, as the group's Digimon surrounds them. Daemon barely reacts, only slightly raising one eyebrow.
"You're next, Daemon! SNAKE BANDAGE!!" Mummymon flings bandages at Daemon, entangling both his wrists.
"Hey, let go of Daemon!" LadyDevimon yells, ready to attack.
"JUMPING JAB!!" But before she can attack, Prairiemon and Kangarumon quickly strike back.
"BLAZE SONIC BREATH!!" Wingdramon blasts at Daemon, directly getting engulfed in the flames being held from Mummymon's bandages. The flames seem to dissipate quickly though, Daemon not flinching a bit.
"Oh come on, that was a direct hit!!" Taeka yells. Daemon ignores her, grabbing Mummymon's bandages and forcibly pulling him towards him.
"SLASH NAIL!!' Daemon claws at Mummymon, Mummymon crying in pain as he immediately dedigivolves back to BlackGabumon.
"Do you have ears, child? Like I said during our last encounter, you're can't defeat me if you're not at the mega level..." Daemon looks up at Wingdramon slowly, giving a sharp glare that makes Wingdramon sweat.
"So as of now...You're nothing but a pest to me. CHAOS FLARE!!" Daemon fires at Wingdramon, who swiftly dodges the attack.
"DARKNESS WAVE!!" LadyDevimon suddenly releases a wave of bats, all flying into the sky, getting in everyone's faces and blocking their sight.
"CHAOS FLARE!!" Daemon fires into the darkness again. Nobody can see if he missed or not, until the bats flew away, clearing everyone's vision... Until they can see Dracomon, collapsed on the ground.
"...Pathetic. Come, LadyDevimon, let's go back to the tower, I don't have the patience to deal with these brats anymore." Daemon says, him and LadyDevimon flying up.
"Hey! Get back here, you-"
"Kangarumon, just stop!" Erik calls to Kangarumon, stopping him in his tracks before he tries to attack again. Prairiemon turns to Lily with worry, who nods her head no to do the same. Taeka and Cora pick up their partners, the group circling back up together.
"Well...At least we got SkullSatamon out." Cora says, trying to break the awkward silence.
"...Not enough. Come on guys, let's go take on Laylamon again!" Taeka says, ready to march away.
"What, are you serious Taeka?" Cora glares in frustration. "Half our Digimon are knocked out, how are we gonna stand any chance?"
"Guys, what about-" Erik tries to cut in.
"What if we go to MasterTyrannomon for help?" Lily asks, cutting Erik's voice out.
"Guys, seriously, I think-"
"We don't have time!! And as long as at least one of our Digimon are standing, we'll keep fighting!" Taeka snaps back, Erik getting talked over again. Everyone went back and forth snapping at each other, Erik continuously getting talked over...Until he couldn't handle it anymore.
"WOULD YOU ALL JUST LISTEN TO ME ALREADY?!" Erik screeches, silencing the group as they all look at him in confusion, an immediate look of regret forming on his face.
"I-I'm sorry for yelling like that, I just...God, I'm so worried about Blaine, I feel like something bad has happened to him, but you guys have just been ignoring me all day! He's just as much of a part of this team as everyone else is, but it seems like you guys don't care..." Erik sighs heavily, his beaded bracelet starting to glow blue again. Everyone looked at Erik's pained expression, looks of regret on their faces.
"Erik, sorry, I..." Cora quietly speaks up. "I didn't realize how worried you were..."
"...To be honest, I've been a bit worried about Blaine too..." Lily softly chimes in. Taeka sighs heavily, running a hand through her hair.
"Man...I feel like such an idiot now." Taeka says. "I've been thinking about so many other things that I completely forgot about Blaine!" Taeka turns to Erik, her face serious. "Sorry Erik, let's go look for Blaine right now, alright?" Erik's pained expression starts to soften. "...Thanks, Taeka."
"Wait, do we even know where Blaine is?" Prairiemon asks.
"Actually..." Erik remembers the name of the area Blaine said he'd be at. "Yeah...I do."
Sometime later...
The group found the Rocky Beach pretty quickly, Kangarumon and Prairiemon dedigivolving to their rookie forms along the way. Erik was the first one to quickly scale some higher up rocks to look for Blaine, Labramon close behind him.
"BLAINE?! Where are you?!" Erik calls for Blaine, but sees no sight of him, panic rising in him more and more.
"Labramon, do you see him at all?" Erik asks.
"No, and I don't see Ryudamon either!" Labramon states. "RYUDAMON!! YELL IF YOU AND BLAINE ARE OK!!" Erik eyes the rocky terrain and sees nothing, everyone finally catching up to him.
"BLAINE?! Where are yo-" Erik walks, but trips lightly over something. He sits up, noticing what made him trip...Blaine's headband, stained with dried blood, which got caught in his foot.
"...Is that..." Erik untangles the headband, picking it up and looking at it in horror. "...No..."
"What'd you find, Erik?" Cora asks, everyone looking down at the headband, varying expressions on their faces.
"Hmm, seems as if more of the children are here." Plesiomon's calm voice suddenly cuts through the air, everyone turning to look at him.
"Plesiomon..." Erik looks up at the Digimon, horror and sadness in his eyes. "Did you...Did you k-" Erik was getting choked up, not even wanting to speak the word.
"...Did you do something to Blaine?"
"...Maybe I did do something, maybe I didn't." Plesiomon speaks, unfazed. "Who knows, but either way, he's not a problem anymore." Everyone looks at Plesiomon with horror, tears starting to well up in Erik's eyes.
"Did Plesiomon hurt Blaine?" Lily asks in confusion.
"...This can't be..." Erik looks down in defeat, tears now starting to drip out of him. He looked at Blaine's headband, clutching in tightly.
"...No." Erik looks back up at Plesiomon, his face twisting to anger.
"...Blaine was my friend. Sure, we didn't get along well when we first met, but things got better the more hardships we all faced." The blue glow on Erik's bracelet started to glow again, this time much brighter then before.
"He's done so much for this group, being nothing but a good and loyal Digidestined...And friend. And now I have to do the same for him." Labramon confidently stepped up, glaring at Plesiomon, as Erik's bracelet became blindingly bright, the glow starting to form in his Digivice as well.
"Labramon..." Erik and Labramon exchange a serious look, before both looking up at Plesiomon.
"...WE CAN'T LET PLESIOMON WIN THIS!!" Erik screeches, the second he yells these words, his Digivice and bracelet explode into colors and bright lights, Labramon's body glowing the familiar blue glow, feeling a surge of power in him...


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