All of us | Chapter 8

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"Why did you run away, Blaine?" Ryudamon asks. Blaine was silent, not answering the question.

"Blaine, seriously, why didn't you talk to them? We could've helped them, and they could do the same for us." Ryudamon states. Blaine seemed to ponder the question for a moment.

"I didn't think we needed them, since we beat that Chamelemon just fine on our own. Besides, they seemed to be doing just fine during that fight." Blaine says.

"Yes, but there's going to be more Digimon we have to fight that'll be much more powerful then Chamelemon. Don't you think it would be helpful to have allies to help us fight?" Ryudamon states.

"Yeah, I guess so, but...Wait, how do you know that more Digimon are going to appear?" Ryudamon is silent for a moment. "I-"

'Beep beep beep!' Suddenly a beeping goes off in the Digivice. "There's a Digimon nearby!" Ryudamon says,

Knock knock! Someone knocks on Blaine's door. "Quick, hide!" Blaine quietly whispers to Ryudamon, who crawls under the bed in time.

"Hello, Blaine? Were you talking to someone?" An older man that was Blaine's caretaker, whom he called "Master", walked in and asked.

"No, Master, I've been alone all day. You must've just imagined it." Blaine says.

"Really? Geez, I must be really getting old then. Could've sworn I heard something..." Master scratches his chin for a moment, thinking.

"...Well, anyways, that's not what came here to talk about. I actually wanted to tell you that it's time for training again." Blaine realizes that Master was holding a wooden baton.

"Well, uh, actually, I..." Blaine stutters for a moment, thinking of an excuse. "I um, was actually about to go for a...Walk. I got uh, something important I have to do."

"Oh, really? Just make sure to come back before nightfall." Master says, leaving the room. Blaine waits for Master to go into another room.

"Quick, let's go!" Blaine whispers to Ryudamon, the two quickly and quietly leaving the house.


"But I'm so nervous, Cora... What if I try to attack you again?" BlackGabumon worries.

"Aw, come on, it'll be fine!" Cora says. "We know each other better now, so I think it'll be fine! Now come on, try to Digivolve!"

"Um, but I..." BlackGabumon stutters, trying to think. "I feel like I should only Digivolve...When I have to fight..."

"Oh, alright then, well-"


'Whooooosh...' The second Cora's Digivice goes off, a loud wind blows by. The two look out the treehouse window and see a large shape in the sky that flies by in an instant.

"Yes, a Digimon! Come on, this is out perfect chance!" Cora says excitedly. "Let's go!"

"Awww, man..."


"Erik, I wanna come with you to the rescue! Pleaaaase?" Lily pleads, holding onto Erik's arm while Taeka and their Digimon follow close behind.

"I'm glad you wanna come along Lily, but I-"

'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' Suddenly all of their Digivices go off at once, very loudly.

"Look! Over there!" Dracomon points to some faraway buildings at a large shape in the sky, that disappears quickly.

"That looked like a big Digimon..." Lopmon says.

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