Chapter 28

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James POV

We tried to go and speak to Hayley she just ignored us. Today we are going to see her.

Hayley's POV

I was practicing my new magic when I heard a noise in my house and saw a lady in my house. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house."

James and the others came running and the lady disappeared. "Hayley what happened. Said James" I just walked back in they followed me. "Hayley who was that. Said James" I started to throw things looking for the picture my mom holds for people not to trust. Then I saw her it's my aunt who betrayed my mom for the dark Lord. "I'm going to kill her." I ran to my mom's ran grabbed her bag and walked back down. "Hayley what's going on your not leaving till you tell us. So who was that lady. Said James" "you really want to know that was my aunt who tried to kill me when I was a kid. Then she just came in here trying to be my aunt again. So I'm going to kill her now move." "Your not killing her your not a murder. Said James" "you don't even know me now leave." "Hayley it ain't safe here you have to come with us to a safe place. Said Lily" "well I ain't coming." Then I felt something poked into my neck.

James POV

Sirius injected Hayley with something and she passed out. We all looked at him. "She wasn't going to come willingly so I had to. Said Sirius" "I'll get her some clothes. Said Lily" Her and Marlene walked up and got clothes for Hayley while I held her they came back down with two bags of clothes and some of the grimoires. "Lets go. Said Marlene" We all left and went to the safe house. We walked in and everyone saw us. "Why is she unconscious. Said Molly" "she wasn't going to come we had to put her to sleep." "Follow me so you can lay her down. Said Molly" We walked upstairs into a room and laid Hayley down on the bed the girls put her bag down and we walked downstairs. "Yknow she is gonna kill you right." "I know but I had to. Said Sirius."

Hayley's POV

I woke up in an unknow bed so saw my mom's bag and I grabbed a knife from it and walked downstairs. Their was no one in the living room so I walked in the kitchen with the knife in my hand still. Then I saw James and everyone else. "What the hell James." "Why do you have a knife. Said Ron" "when you wake up in an unknow bed you dont know you'll need a knife. Now who injected me with that." Everyone sayed quiet. "Who injected me." They pointed to Sirius I threw the knife but it missed his head by and inch and everyone gasped. "You could've killed him. Said Mione" " if I wanted him dead it would be in his head inject me again and I will kill you." I walked over amd grabbed the knife. "Now I'm leaving to do what I was gonna do." "What was that. Said Ginny" "to kill my aunt" "why would you kill her. Said Ron" "because she is a back stabbing bitch. She traded my mom to voldy then tried to kill me. And them she tried to play aunt again yeah no I ain't letting her off the hook." I went to the room and grabbed the bag amd walked back down and walked into the kitchen. "I'm leaving" "what's in the bag. Said Harry" "weapons why." "Hayley you aren't leaving. Said James" "says who." "Me im your legal guardian now and I said you ain't leaving. Said James" "my mom may have put you as my legal guardian but id rather have snape. And you cant just act like a dad when you want too" "Hayley you ain't leaving this house. Said James" "watch me." I walked out the house with them following me. "Hayley get back inside now. Said James" "no fuck off." "Hayley don't talk like that. Said James" "I'll be back for my stuff later." I took off and went to find my aunt. I found her at a house I went in and had a knife in my hand ready to kill her. "Hayley I been waiting for you. Said Lola" "Well Lola I'm here to kill you." We started to fight she stabbed me a couple times that's all then I killed her. I was losing blood I had to hurry and get to the sage house even though I don't want to be their. I apparated into the kitchen.

James POV

Hayley apparated into the kitchen all bloody. Molly and Lily rushed over to her. "Hayley what happened." "My stupid aunt stabbed me I need my books. Said Hayley" "you don't need your books you need to let Molly and Lily help you." Before she could say anything she passed out I caught her before she hit the ground. I brought her to the couch and laid her on my lap so they can sew her up. They finished and sewed her up I took her to her room and laid her on the bed. I walked back down stairs. "How is she doing. Said Marlene" "she's asleep right now" "do you think she killed her aunt. Said Sirius" "probably she came back all bloody who knows."

Hayley's POV

I woke up in the same room again. I quickly grabbed my grimoire and looked for a healing spell. I did it and it didn't hurt any more I looked down amd saw my wounds closed I took out the sitches. I walked downstairs and everyone looked at me. "Your supposed to be resting. Said Molly" I lifted up .y shirt to show them the sitches gone and the wounds closed. "Where did it go. Said Molly" "I told James to give me my grimoires it had a healing spell but he didn't listen to me." "You passed out and had two opened wounds. Said James" "whatever." "Come and sit dear. Said Molly" She pushed me to sit down at the table. "So. Said Remus" "did you kill her. Said Sirius" Marlene slapped his head. "Yeah I did she betrayed my mom tried to kill me twice acutally three times now." No one said anything. "So how did you get your powers. Said Ginny" "it's runs through .t family bloodline and no Jackson didn't get it. It skipped a generation so it only came to me and my mom" "everyone eat before it gets cold. Said Molly" We all ate then headed to their rooms

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