Chapter 3

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Donella Valentini..

Looking at my sweet angel..I knew this would hurt her.It would hurt me considerably if I lost her because of my...line of work.

God she is so did I deserve her?

The Devil of the criminal underworld.

"Tell me"she whispered looking up at me innocently.

I smiled and sat her down,"My sweet angel.."

I heart pounding,I have never been so nervous.Carving my name into some poor fools chest is a lot less..stomach quenching than this.

" can tell me anything"she whispered smiling.

I smiled and nudged her nose with mine.

"My name is Donella Valentini"

She smiled,"That's a beautiful name..My name is Claudia Hales"

I smiled,I already knew everything about her,her mother's are world renowned surgeons,my angel studies psychology and is amazing at it.


"I am...I run the criminal underworld"

She sat forward intrigued.

"I run most of the worlds mafia..I.."

She didn't interrupt or storm out,"'re a mafia don?"

"A mafia mistress"I corrected softly.

She smiled,"That's okay..I...I just-"

I held her hands,she smiled kissing my cheeks,I smiled.

"I will understand, if you don't want anything to do with me"

She shook her head,"No!baby..I don't care about that..I care about you"

I smiled and kissed her hands,"I care a great deal about you my angel..and I will never let anything happen to you"

She smiled,"I know"

I nodded.

"'re a big deal?"she asked.I quickly poured us whiskey.I walked back to her and handed her a glass.

I sat down next to her,she blushed and set my jacket down.I put it over her again and smiled.She giggled kissing my cheek.

I blushed


She smiled,"So..what am I to you?"

My absolute everything...

"You my angel..are mine..and I am yours"

She had tears in her eyes,I held her face,"Did I upset you?"

She shook her head and smiled,"No..I just..I can't believe you said that,it makes me so happy"

I smiled.

"My sweet angel"I said smiling,I kissed her slowly, she moaned and God all I wanted was to make her mine.

She wrapped her arms around,I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.She fit into me so well..I knew she would be mine.The moment I saw her..

" is this going to work?"She asked softly.

"My can't tell anyone,please promise that.I may be in control but that doesn't mean I am invincible and I can't let anything happen to you.You are my only weakness"

She nodded and held my face in her hands.

I smiled and closed my eyes.

"I won't let anything or anyone hurt you"she whispered.

The Devils AngelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora