Chapter 9

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Donella Valentini...

My angel smiled at me,she kissed me softly.

"You're nervous?"I whispered.

She nodded and bit her lip,"It's okay..we can wait"I whispered kissing her hands,she shook her head and looked at me.

"No..I want to-"

There was shouting downstairs,I grabbed her and locked her in the bathroom.I stormed mother grabbed my hand.


I turned,"Gerald...what do you want?"

My guards drew there guns,"I mean no harm Miss"

He was a a short,fat idiot..."You come into my home"

He bowed,I sent my family away,Amalia stood by me,"Make sure she doesn't come downstairs"I whispered,Amalia kissed my cheek and walked away.

Gerald smiled,"I came to over my service"


My guards stood by me,"For alliance's"

"Thank you for the offer...but I don't associate myself with alliances"

He nodded and smiled,"Alright...have a lovely evening Miss.Valentini"

He nodded and left..I walked upstairs to find my angel looking at me," did you.."

She smiled,"I..googled it"

I giggled and smiled.


She walked to me and smiled,"Everything okay?"

I nodded,"Yes..yes..I'm fine"

"We can wait"she giggled.

I nodded and snuggled with her in bed,she smiled and looked at me,"I..we can"she whispered,I shook my head and quickly showered.

She smiled at me,"Just your undies"

I nodded and walked to her,I got into bed and snuggled her,"Why did you lock me in the bathroom?"

She giggled,"I...I had to deal with something"


I nodded and nudged her nose with mine,"I will never let anyone hurt you ever"I whispered,she smiled and kissed me softly.

"Your sister says you talk about marrying me"she whispered.

I smiled.

"Yes...does that bother you?"

She shook her head,"Never"

I smiled and snuggled her closer kissed her softly,she fell asleep soon after.I smiled and kissed her forehead,my mother came in.

She smiled and watched me,as I played with my angels hair,"I'm glad you are happy"she said softly,I smiled and nodded.

"Where did you keep her?"

"In the bathroom"

My mother chuckled.

"Ma need to tell them and soon"

I nodded,"I will"

She smiled and looked at my angel,"She's perfect for you"

I smiled,"I will never ever...hurt her"

"I know ma Bella..but I..I am quiet attached to her now.Please look after her and yourself,I can't loose either of you"

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