Chapter 16

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Donella Valentini

"Alright so how do you intend on paying me back?"I asked.

Elena Rossi looked at me,"I will pay you back mistress"

"I didn't ask that...I asked how"I said looking at her.

"I...I'll get the money"

I looked at her children,"No..please mistress.."

"I never said anything about that,I mean that they can do odd jobs for my siblings and I"

Elena looked at me.

"We'll do it!"her children said looking at me with tears in their eyes.I nodded and had them ushered out.

I was taken home.

On my way there I looked at everything,when I arrived I walked into my study looking down at my hands.

My mother walked in and smiled,"What's wrong Ma Bella?"

"Nothing mama...I'm just thinking"

She nodded and watched me..I sipped my whiskey and looked at the garden.I tapped my fingers on the desk.

"She'll be back soon"

I nodded and finished my whiskey.

She left,I looked at the door and sighed,my angel called me.I smiled and answered,"Hello my angel"

"Hi baby,can I talk to you quick?"

"Yes,of coarse"

"I wanted to find out if it would be okay if I stayed by my moms...Callie and I are going to celebrate the engagement"

"That's perfect my angel..just be safe and I'll send two body guards"

"No!baby I'll be fine"

"My angel please.."I said digging my nails into my desk.

"Baby...I'll be fine I'll see you next weekend"


"Baby...I need to study and you are VERY distracting"

I smiled,"Don't you like my use of tactics?"

She giggled,"I do baby...I promise I do"

"So...come home so I can distract you"I purred letting my accent flow in.

"Baby....that is really unfair and I'm here to pick up books no then I'm leaving!"

I heard her,I ended the call and grabbed my reading glasses putting them on and walking downstairs to meet her.

She turned to me and stopped,a blush working it's way onto her cheeks."Hello my angel"

"Hi baby"she whispered hugging me,she tightened her grip on me and snuggled closer.My heart swelled,I smiled and kissed her softly.

"How was your day my angel?"

"It was okay..busy and yours?"

"It's was busy"

She looked at me and smiled,"I'll see you next week"

I nodded my heart sinking,"Of coarse my angel"

She nodded and walked upstairs,I waited for her downstairs.She walked back and smiled,"I'll be okay"

"I know"

I hugged her close,she kissed me slowly I moaned softly and rubbing my hands down her waist.She moaned and pulled back.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

She left,I sighed and walked to the kitchen.I poured myself wine and sipped it.I tapped my fingers on the counter.

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