Rock Me -Chapter 4-

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Okay you have all been waiting for this chapter for so long and its finally arrived so I’m not gonna bother talking right now, just get a move on and read the flippin chapter!

Obvious reasons as to why the song is on the side >>

Liv P.O.V

I could feel the heavy pulse of the bass vibrating through the floor. Each staccato beat  making its self known in the room, signaling that this, was it. Within a few seconds I’d have to go and strut my stuff in front of a world wide streamed event, not to mention the thousands of audience members that were waiting on the other side of the curtain. The worst part? I have to kiss Harry flipping Styles on the lips. I know many people wouldn’t have a problem with this but for me and my past life this isn’t that great of a scenario. I    mean why would I have to kiss him when he’s already got a girlfriend? Thats bound to create some controversy the next day and that’s going to reflect badly on me. Honestly how the hell does this benefit the show? And why me?!

Is it officially to late to back out of my job...?

“Queuing Liv in, 3, 2 ,1. Go, go, go!” A backstage crew member yelled, obviously trying to blast my eardrums.

Sucking in my stomach, tensing my body and straightening my back I put one foot in front of the other and take my position on the pitch black stage as I listen to all the other models lining up behind me.

The bright multicolored lights turn on as they highlight the runway part of the stage but still keep both me and the guys out of view. The crowd starts to scream in anticipation for the much awaited surprise performance and even though the boys lights were still dimmed I had no doubt that everyone knew who they were from the song intro.

Just as the song was about to start the light on the boys turns on making the screams go louder and crazier. Each of them dressed up in typical high tops and toms, vests and dress shirts and their styled or natural hair. They all stood in a single formation at the entrance of the runway where we all would soon be and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

I wasn’t an avid fan. I hardly considered myself a directioner of sorts but it was just seeing Harry that stumped me, even though all I could see at the moment was his back... It was just this overwhelming sense of pride. Knowing that the guy I had held so dearly to my heart had really made something of his life. After all these years of avoidance I had found myself to be smiling at him. I’ve hardly forgiven him but I was just happy at the moment, happy for him and his life. 

Tearing my gaze away from the boys and focusing back on the audience in front of me I realise the big bright spot light that shone on me. Giving a smile and looking down in the direction of the camera that was at my feet, I send it a cheeky little wink to the camera, sending the crowd crazy as it projected on the screen.

“Do you remember summer ’09?

Wanna go back there every night,

Just can’t lie, was the best time of my life,

Lying on the beach as the sun blew out,

Playing this guitar by the fire too loud,

Oh my, my, they could never shut us down”

Listening to Harrys melodic voice as he sings into the microphone and allows his voice to emit throughout the room as he sings along to the melody, a small smile to make its way on my face. It’s crazy to think that I never even knew that he could sing, just a pity I only found out when things had ended like they did... I quickly wipe away any expression I hold for Harry as I come back down to reality and start walking down the runway with all the models following behind me.

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