Chapter 11 ~ When I See You Again

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White... White clothes, a white coat and gloves, and a button-up shirt. I walk across the white pathways. 


I've been waiting to be summoned for the longest time, but finally, 

"You! You were summoned! Someone finally brewed Butterfly Pea Flower tea!" The Head Baku exclaims. 

I teleport to find a boy, he has fluffy brown hair and he's having a nightmare. I eat his dream. He's dreaming of the blood being sucked out of him, and then he wakes up. 

"WHA- WHO ARE-" He exclaims. When he opens his eyes, I don't believe what I'm seeing. Joe. Joe summoned me. I'm almost moved to tears... 


"My one wish... Is that we both have out memories this time, I know we're going to be reborn together, so I want to remember him this time,"

I'm sorry that this last chapter is so short!!! You can really tell I gave up in the end- I'm so sorry! But I hope you enjoyed! I may come back and expand and edit this story later, but for now, thank you for reading!

"You... Eat dreams..?" Joe Tazuna X reader (Baku AU)Where stories live. Discover now