Chapter 1 ~ Summon

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Nightmares... Nightmares...

I bolt up awake screaming in a cold sweat.

I live alone, and I'm a college student. I can see ghosts, and I'm plagued by nightmares of what the ghosts say are my past lives. The Ghosts don't scare me, they just look like normal people, but only I can see them. I usually help them pass on, take care of their regrets or what not. But... I'm always plagued by nightmares, and I'm only allowed to wake up once I'm dead. No matter how much I try, it's too real, and I can't go back to sleep after. I grab my laptop and log onto discord.

I look at my dms to see if any of my friends are online. I see that my friend Kanna is online. She used to have nightmares, but she did this thing to get rid of them or something. When she was younger, she told me she was put into a game of death, and that she watched her sister whom she loved dearly die. She said she had nightmares about it every night, but then she did something to make them go away... I dm her.

*Username*: Kanna! Why are you awake? Schoolwork again?

You know it Y/n, anyway, you had a nightmare again? I'm guessing u want advice for ur issues lol: KannaKandi

*Username*: Yeah, didn't you say you did this thing to get rid of your nightmares?

Yeah, It's called a Baku, But I only use it on the nights when I'm really afraid. Why?: KannaKandi

*Username*: I want my nightmares gone >_<

I'll tell you how to summon a baku, but beware, you must use it sparingly, if you use it too much, one day your nightmares won't fill it up and it'll eat your hopes and dreams: KannaKandi

*Username*: Okay Kanna... Tell me what to do.

Kanna procceded to tell me and warned me again. I said my goodbyes and put away my laptop. Then I got out of bed and went to my kitchen corner. I brewed a cup of Butterfly pea flower tea, then I got one of my lemon wedges I had already cut from the fridge, I put the tea in a teacup and the lemon on the saucer. It was a gift from my mother. I put the cup down on my bedside table and then lay down in my bed.

"Baku-san, come eat my dream, Baku-San, come eat my dream, Baku-san come eat... my... dream..." I say before drifting off to sleep.


"You! Your tea was finally brewed, it's your turn," The head baku says. I nod and snap my fingers, then I'm in a room. I look around. it's small, there's a stove, a sink and a cabinet as a kitchen, I looked on the otherside of the room to find one of those cloth zip up korean closets. I looked at the third wall to see pretty much everything else someone would need, and the door to the bathroom. I take the teacup and walk over to a beanbag. I sit down and squeeze the lemon into the tea, the tea changes colors. They really did brew my tea... I look over at them. They look like they're having a hard time in their dream. I put down my cup and walk over to them. I pull their dream out, and eat it. They bolt up awake screaming. They look straight at me.

"Hey..." I say. Suddenly I get a pillow thrown at my face.

&quot;You... Eat dreams..?&quot; Joe Tazuna X reader (Baku AU)Where stories live. Discover now