The note

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Dear, iris

You don't know me, but I know you, I know everything about you when I say everything I mean everything,

Your birthday is June 6
Friends nick,josh,prince,roc, andré
Boyfriend daniel Simmons
You don't have any parents
Your A and B student
Your favorite food is mostly everything
You like reading

You see babygirl I know everything about you,
I sent someone to give you this note , I'm warning you that bad things are gonna happen to you if you don't leave daniel and the others and don't be with me there will be

1 death, 7 betrayals, 1 kidnapped and more
That will happen to you if you don't meet me
At Sally's dinner at 8:00 pm
Don't be late if you do then the consequences will start

I already proved my point by that drive by the other day

Xoxox, your secret admirer

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