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Next morning.......

Iris POV

It's 7:00am and I'm still not a sleep how can I be

I vomited on a girl infront of everyone specially the guy I still have feelings for

I know I said imka or Taimka that she could have him, I didn't want to sound desperate

Fighting for a guy

But a guy that I love

Before we left the club I vomited some more
On her

Some parts were from breakfast

I was so embarrassed I wanted to cry

Daniel took her the bathroom and went home with her

Josh and I went to the car and drove home

Then he helped wash up

But not like that tho

And now I'm seating on the corner of my room crying my ass off

And the thing that pissed me off

Daniel didn't ask if I was okay

He just looked at me in disgust

I felt like a knife hit my stomach

The only thing that keep me happy is this picture

Me and my birth father holding hands

I was around 3 or 4 years old

But I always wonder where is the other half of the photo

Me and my dad looked so happy

Until he gave me away

I always wanted to know why

I looked at my clock 10:00

Wow time goes by fast

I went to take a shower and do my hygiene

When I was done I wear a alice and wonderland sweatshirt and some short pants, white converse and my hair was still flat ironed

I went downstairs

And I saw that the crew was there including Zoey and her friend China

I quickly went back to my room but Josh saw me

Josh: iris come down and chill with us

Iris: oh hell no

Then I went back to my room

Great what should I do know

I mind as well go to barns&nobles

I got my bag and keys and head down stairs

Nick: so you finally decide to come down

Iris: nope, bye

Josh: wait, where you going

Iris: out

Then I went out

When I finished reading my book I head for the park

It get some fresh air

I sat down on the bench

And just look at people
Enjoying their time in the park

I wish that happened to me

Having at least some happiness in my life
Not everyone life is always going to be perfect

I understand that, it's just how come I can't have a normal life like any one else

Why does life have to be so difficult

I always ask my self am I looking for happiness in the right places

Or I have to find it somewhere else and in a different way

Why does life have to be so god damn confusing

Then a random guy sat down next to me

Not to close tho

He had a puffy pony tail
With a light dark orange in the pony tail rest of his hair is black and he had a Carmel skin color and he his face was with mixed with fine, cute, and handsome

All I could say is damnnnn ( like the guys from Friday)

" I hate life, why does it have to be this hard"

I whispered to myself

Then the guy that was seating next to me

???: I say the same thing

Then I smiled to me

Iris: life is also difficult to you to

???: you can say that, it just puzzles me

Then I smiled again because he sound so well educated

Iris: oh really how so

??: well you have to deal with so much problems but when you look at others they don't have problems that's not even close to yours, but when they have the same problem they just hide it

I just chuckled, he took the words out of my mouth

Iris: I believe life is like a masquerade party, everyone hides there feelings and true colors behind their masks

??: so do you have a mask of your own

Iris: I actually do but I do show my true colors

??: what about hiding your feelings

Iris: I don't have anyone to talk about my feelings, even if I did no one would've cared , that's why I hide my feelings behind my mask

??: well you are talking about feelings now so your mask won't be so mysterious

Iris: lol, I didn't even much realize that, what about you

??: I have few people to talk about my feelings but I don't know if I have the trust in them to tell my deep feelings
I been stab in the back so many times

Iris: I hear you, I guess we're both doing some spring cleaning at our masks

??: lol, I guess we are

Then we kept talking after that to get each other more better

Few hours later......

So we went to get some snacks to eat and I got to know him better

He is such a great guy

Before we left to go back home

We gave each other our number

He seems like a person that can really understands that

None of the guys can ever understand

Well Daniel but I'm not so sure

I don't know if being loved and understanding a person is the same thing

I finally arrived I the house

And the crew is still there

When I went inside everyone was laughing

Then everyone turned to me and stop laughing

Did I kill the mood or something

Prince: wassup sis did you have fun

When he said that I thought about how much I smiled when I was talking to my mystery guy

Then I made a nice decent smile

Iris: yup I smdid

Then I walked up stairs to my room

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