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My eyes were getting heavy by the minute

This is the last of me

Good bye world

" Boom" a gunshot sound

???: ahhhh! My leg

Then he let go of me

I bent down to catch my breath

???:Watch when I get my hands on you

"Boom, boom"

Then I heard no sound from the guy anymore

I lift my head that shot him

And it was nick


His a dealer too

Then out of nowhere Josh came up to me

Josh: aye Iris you alright

Iris: that guy tried to rape me

Josh: it's alright sis we got you now

Then I turned behind and I saw the guy laying on the concrete

He was shot in his leg, stomach, and his chest

I turned back around and nick was standing a few steps away from me

He was the one that shot him

He killed him

Nick: alright boys I want you to get ride of the body, you know what to do

Then four other boys came out and grabbed the body and put in a truck

Then left off with the body

Iris: nick killed him

Nick: well your welcome

Iris: but you killed him

Nick: Iris what the else you wanted me to do, beat him up and turn him in

Iris: yes

Nick: iris the life is not full of rainbows and unicorns okay this is the fucken hood alright get that in your head

Iris: but he was a human being

Nick: A FUKEN RAPIST That's what he was, he almost killed you Iris

Iris: but I never wanted him to died tho

Nick: iris whatever is done it's done, Josh bring her to your crib alright

Josh: alright

Then Josh grabbed my hand

All I could do is look at Nick with sadness, guilt, and disgust

I hated what he did

Even tho he tried to kill me, it's not like I wanted live anyways

I'm sick of tried of living in this world that have people that don't like me

I have no one at all

Once me and josh got in the car he started to drive the car

Josh: iris you got to understand we only did it because to save you

Iris: why it's not like you guys care about me, nobody ever does

Josh: I do, me and nick do

Iris: tell me one good reason why


Iris: oh so you want to talk now, fine don't talk

Then we finally arrived to Josh house

I went straight to one of the rooms

I already been to Josh house before

That's how close we are

His like a best friend to me

But now I don't even know

Every Nerd Needs A Thug To { Editing}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon