Trying to find you

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4 months


This is some fucked up  shit , Tyron and his crew kidnapped Iris and we can't find her anywhere. We've been hunting her down for 4 months I kinda mess her, so as for everyone else, specially Nick. I even catched him crying once, him and Iris were like brother and sister.  

 Nick- Any word from her

Me- Nah, we can try and look tomorrow

Nick- Yea I guess we can". You think her baby is alright?

Me- I hope so, Tryon would probably do something fucked up to piss me off, but I don't think it would be hurting the baby, if he does, then we really got to find her

Nick- Tyron is pretty cruel, he seem like a nigga that would do something that even involves killing a baby

 Me- Just have hope man, don't be doubting now

Nick- Alright but I'm just saying man, I heard somethings he done to people



STOPPP! Please I'm begging you

Tyron: shut the fuck up, you getting that abortion hoe

Iris: please I don't want to,  I want this child

Tyron: does it look like I give a flying fuck what you, what I want is that baby of yours to be gone

Iris: please...  I will do anything you want, i don't want to give up my baby , please I'm begging you

Tyron: anything I want???

Me: yes anything, just don't take my child away from me

After I said that, he dropped his pants down and pull out his member, oh no please don't tell me what I think it is

Tyron: suck my dick ( said bluntly)

Ugh I hate this, but I'm only doing this for my kid, my child doesn't deserve to die.

Tyron: what you waiting for get on your knees, I don't got all day

I don't know even know to do this. I got my knees and just looked at it, I was a bit scared. But i just tried my best

Tyron: damnnnnn girl shitttt,

then a few minutes

he came in mouth mouth, I definitely didn't want to swallow it

Tyron: don't even think about spitting it out, swallow it bitch or that baby of yours is gone

I did what he said. I hate this, I don't deserve this, tears went down my face, I can't do this

Tyron: good girl(patting my head)... oh yeah i almost forgot to tell you your my bitch now

He zipped up his pants and Then he left. I hate him so much, he made me 4 months here, it was   so miserable. Chris doesn't even try to help me, I can't believe I slept with that bitch. All this time I have been  getting beaten up, getting molested, having to make  drugs so Tyron and his crew can sell them and now having to be Tyron bitch and do whatever he says to do while I'm pregnant. I hope someone come and save me from this hell whole



I felt so bad for what I did. Iris is probably being tortured by Tyron, that boy is pretty evil. I don't even know why I did what I did. I shouldn't never helped Tyron kidnapped Iris.

Daniella: you still moping around for what you did

???: yeah if the crew find out what I did, they will all be mad at me, Nick might even kill me

Danilella: don't say that, you did what you had to do

???: I know, thanks for being by my side Ella

Danilella: no problem babe, now let me help you feel better

She took off my shirt and unbutton my pants, I like how this is going

Wait hold up who helped Tyron kidnapped Iris from the group?

Who do you think it is ??

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