He gives me chills

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Ughh my head hurts (eyes still close)

??:Wakey Wakey

What the hell? Out of nowhere someone poured cold water on me. I quickly opened my eyes. I saw two tall guys standing in front of me, what's happening???

??: finally your up, Keke must of knocked your ass hard

I'm guessing the girl from the hotel is Keke

??: well I'm August and this is Chris

Chris: wassup

What is this?

August: you probably wondering what's happening, well you are kidnapped by us obviously and you have to listen to whatever we tell you to do, if you don't then we are going to teach you a lesson, got it

Iris: no I don't, I am Not gonna listen to you niggas, don't you think it's ridiculous your kidnapping me, I'm guessing to get even with Nick and the others, like seriously. You guys can do better then holding me hostage until they give you whatever you want

Chris: well don't you have balls to talk to your kidnappers like that

Me: well now I don't give about things anymore

Chris: well I guess you don't care   for your unborn child safety do you

Fuck i forgot about that, how can I forget I am pregnant?

Chris: you didn't think about that did you

August: look iris we can do this the easy way or the hard way

Me: fine the easy way

August: good, but since you had the courage to talk the way you did to me and my partner, you  have to stay in the basement for the for a whole week

Me: what the hell but I'm pregnant

Chris: haha your funny, don't worry we will still give you some food

Me: what about the bathroom

Chris: what about it, there's a bucket in that corner over there

Me: I fucken hate this

Chris: well next time watch who you talking to, well good night (smirking)

Then they left

Why does this have to happen to me?? I hope Nick finds me or anyone because I feel like it's gonna be hell for me if I stay here any longer


Month later


It's been a month, I have a small bump now ,but I'm still in this damn basement, these niggas lied about keeping me here for a week. August comes to give me food or to check on me and Chris just comes and stares at me for some reason, the boy creeps me out.

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