u ass

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Me: I can't fucken believe you Daniel how could you did this to me

Daniel: no let me explain

Me: you don't have to nigga those messages says it all

Daniel: iris just listen

Iris: no, you listen, why you did this to me

Daniel:iris... GCO

Iris: did i not love you a enough, the sex wasn't good enough for you, was I not doing a good job being your ride or die huh!

Daniel: iris clam done baby girl

Iris: no i wont not clam down Daniel

Then I throw his phone at the wall

Iris: I hate you Daniel, I hate you

Then I walked out of the house

Before the miss hap....

Well after I read the note

I went home then to my room and  locked the door

And cried because I got myself in a whole lot of bull

Theres no way I'm meeting that creep I just have to figure out something , I don't want to leave the gang, there my only family I have

I hid the note in my dresser, I don't want any one to find out about the note because it will create more trouble

I got a text from Daniel asking me to come over

And I told him sure

I need his hugs and kisses any ways, to  make me feel better

At Daniels house....

Me:mmmmmmmm Daniel don't stop

Daniel: I won't baby I got you

Then he stroke even faster

Me: Daniel......mmmm... I'm about....mmmm

Then I arched my back while my I eyes rolled back

Then I came

Daniel: (groan) damn... Breathe....iris.... Breathe...that was

Me: (out of breath) amazing

We both laid on the bed trying to catch our breath

Daniel: I'm going to get ready to meet the guys

Me: awww you have to go

Daniel: sorry boo I have to make some money to take care of us

Me: fine do what you got to do

Then he got up to take a shower

Then his phone

Phone buzzed I was debating if I should look at it

But my dumbass looked at it anyways

I unlock his phone

His password was my birthday

And I was shocked what I was reading

D= Daniel T= Tamika

Text convo


T: u still coming over bae

D: of course, you no your good at what u do ;-) 

T: lol

12:00 am

T: last night was amazing, we do it again tomorrow same time or nah

D: of course

T: u know Iris is going to find our

D: come on trust me she won't, you the one I love

T: okay if you say so and I love u to

Text convo end

There was more but I can't say it  because it was that disgusting

Then Daniel came out of the bathroom

I got up and put my clothes on

Daniel: babe you know you should stay because when I come back round 4

Me: I don't think so once  you explain this

I pulled up his phone

Daniel: iris why the hell u on my phone for

Iris: I guess it was a good thing to look at it, so you been fucken with Tamika out of all the  hoes
You could've slept with, it had to be with her

Daniel just sighed

Iris: I can't  fucken believe you  Daniel,  you did this to me

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