Animal (Avengers fanfic) Pt.1

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stories thumbnails thingy ^
Chapter name of unfinished story: Saved?
Description of story: Violet is a nice little girl, but she has parents and their...villains she was having a hunch that they were but never said anything. They weren't all that nice to her so she grew timid not using her powers unless it was to hide. What happened when one of the hero's find her?
+overpowered main protagonists+
-I don't own anything um I never watched any of the avengers movies so just bare with me also I'm posting this because I want to I don't give a damn about your opinion-

Aye! Aye reader! Violet is my oc ok? Thanks and her power is to were she can turn or have animal feature ok? Ok, her hero name is Animal just an FYI. And she looks young their but she's like Peter's age in this story just short as flip also 'blah' means thinking, I'm done enjoy the story

(Violet's POV)

I was hiding away in one of the corners of my little cage that mama and papa kept me in, they would hurt me when they were mad and today was the case but this was after that.

I heard someone their voice was really loud and they were telling someone to check everywhere but I didn't recognize the voice it was someone new I was in human form so I peeked out to see who it was someone had taken mama and papa again...

I knew they were villains by the way they acted and the stuff they did to me but I was scared to talk thinking this man might hurt me too, their was a nother guy next to the loud man he was shorter and had a what looked like a spider on the front of his suit, the loud man had weird iron armor on.

I moved slightly closer to the door of my cage and say another person who was making portals I was alittle more scared now but still I nugged closer to the door I had my wolf ears and tail out just in case anything bad happened. The guy in the spider suit looked in my direction and noticed me.

He said, "Mr. Stark who's that?" The guy in the iron armor looked in my direction and I timidly backed away so he couldn't see me. He said back, "I didn't see anything are you sure you saw someone?" I didn't hear anything else as the we're whispering.

But I heard footsteps head in my direction I was scared and started to whimper pushing my body against the cages back end, finally one of them picked up the cage not surprising me that I was that light but still scared as the man rose the cage up I got more scared and turned into a rat jumping out of it and scurrying to the middle where they were standing before.

The iron guy said, "See it was just a rat." I on they other hand poofed back into my human form with my ears and tail the other guy with the portals say me change back and said, "Tha wasn't just a rat Tony look," they all looked over at me and I whined again turning into a small cat and running away I couldn't get far as a coat rapped around me and caught me I turned back into my human for with my ears and tail still.

I said, "n-no stop it go away your gonna hurt me!" They where all in shock to what I said but I kept whimpering trying to think of a way out of this and then I got my idea the iron dude was about to say something but I changed into a rat and ran off changing forms into a bat then a bird the portal guy stopped me with his portals and the coat tried to grab me as I changed into a tiger growling at them to stay back.

The iron guy said, "Stop, we just want to help you we don't mean any harm," I changed into a bird again and landed on one of the upper pipes above them turning back and saying, "Why should I trust you? Mama and papa aren't even here so why should I stop and stay?" I couldn't say I trust mama and papa because I don't but they were only able to stop me because I was scared of them hurting me but I didn't want them to hurt me more!

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