Why do I feel so...enchanted?

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Chapter name of unfinished story: New Beginnings
Description of story: A Professor Sycamore x OC story u know Pokémon this will be a suicidal oc AU like most of my AU's (other then the marvel one) because I like angst and I'm mentally suicidal so here's the description.

Luna (the oc) has a terrible case of wanting to commit self death so she moves to another Region another city, what is this city? Lumiose City ofcourse she tried dieing so many different ways in her original town but somehow they always failed to kill her so she decided to leave and see what happens when she meets someone who actually cares....

I do not own Pokémon or any of the characters I use other then the OC (Luna)
Kinda a slow burn because yes but also more fluffy because we don't do smut with suicidal stuff that's only in my Mha AU with Yui.

UwU oki let's start this off then
(Luna's POV)

I walked around slowly getting a good look at my surroundings surprised that it was quite a busy city you heard from a old friend it was a quiet one but I guess even they wanted me alive...

I shrugged saying, "Better go to the Professors lab someone said about people getting their starter Pokémon their, not that I need one I have my Luxray to stay with. But it's worth a try before I do something regrettable for some," I walked towards a large building quietly mumbling to myself words of encouragement to get myself to actually go in, my anxiety could take the suspense so my legs went in without my permission.

I was still quite young but I was sure that with my heart set out, my dream is to die a painful long grueling death what I deserve. Someone saw me just standing their mumbling and said, "Bonjour, who might you be?" I blinked out of my trance and say fully in Kalosian, "Luna, qui sont tu?" I blushed madly after realizing my mistake.

This someone seemed surprised he said, "Professor Sycamore, sympa à recountrer tu," I kept my flustered demeanor and said, "S-sorry I wasn't expecting you to speak Kalosian it's just a habit to say it back," he chuckled and said, "It was a nice surprise don't worry about it, ma amie."

He continued, "So what are you doing here? You seem new so I obviously don't know you." I smirked and replied, "Yeah I'm from somewhere else far away it's not important I'm here to finish something I couldn't complete from their..." I can't say I'm going to commit suicide he'll try to stop me it's to obvious he's a nice man kinda hot too...

He asked, "What's the unfinished business?" I stared for a moment and said, "It's nothing to important," he nodded and said, "Okay then, well I have to feed the Pokémon in the lab so you can just look around if you want." I nodded and decided just to follow him when we got their, we were in some kind of dome and Pokémon where here I mumbled to myself while he fed them one came up to me a Fennekin it rubbed against my leg I looked down and said, "Mhmm would you like to meet someone cool, little Fennekin?"

It said, "Fenne! Fennekin!" I took it as a yes and said, "Go Luxray!" Throwing the poke ball up in the air letting my Luxray out he jumped and nuzzled agains my leg like Fennekin did I said to him, "Go play you need to socialize more." I smirked and he just walked away knowing it was the other way around.

Professor came to see what I was doing I was mumbling again about how to strategize my death so no one finds my body he said, "What are you mumbling about Luna?" I snapped out of it and said, "Oh, nothing just battle strategies for my Luxray he's quite strong," Professor nodded oblivious of what I was actually talking about.

He said, "Well I'm just about don-" he stopped speaking when we heard a loud crash from the entrance we both ran over to it and I said, "Team Rocket stop!" They did their spew and said, "We'll be taking this Garchomp with us!"

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