Hell Gained Their Angel

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It's the day of the funeral.

(Lmao I'm listening to Hayloft and I'm just vibing so hard I can't write anything properly)

They decided to join all the dead people's funeral into one big really long unnecessary one.

This is useful money-wise.

Wait, who was still alive again??

Anyways, the bodies are all carried in by relatives and strong people.

Ok, I checked my notes and the survivors from Melatonin High School are:

John, a real killer friend.

Joe, the one obsessed with guns.

Eliza, that smart maths one.

Selena, the character no one cares about.

Jord, who's only personality trait is dating the *killer* guy, John.

Primrose, the girl who was only mentioned ONCE throughout the story, thus having no chance to actually die.

Brad, a total asshole who is now sleeping in his mum's basement. He was unavailable for the funeral.

Jaz, she...was...that one who might have blown up Ethan and Rory, but it was never mentioned again so it got confusing.

The teachers (briefly) mentioned:

Mrs. Crunchy, and no she is not Peanut Butter.

Mrs. Chunky, um yeah no one cares about her she's a maths teacher.

Mr. Oreosa, because I like Oreos and that's a cool surname.

Mr. Whippy, a true inspiration to all.

Anyways blah blah blah the funeral goes on and everyone cries and John puts on a great act.

Most people seem genuinely upset about all these dead people.

A lot of the families and other friends not mentioned want closure on who the murderer is, but I guess they will just be pushed to the side for the moment.

But obviously half the people were just there for some free food.

The kids who went to school just decided to leave since the parents were just trying to talk to them and who the fuck wants to talk to ADULTS!!??

*throws up*

Selena looked the saddest since Aayla used to be her friend before she started to ignore her.

Also, her bestie Tracy had gone missing and it was stressing her out.

Tracy just...hadn't come home.

She needed to know where Tracy was. Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy ok ok ok shut up shut up.

Obviously she was slightly (only slightly guys, its all goods) paranoid because almost all her classmates were kinda maybe murdered just last year.

Eliza ran after her because she was FINALLY leaving the building after escaping a bunch of old people trying to start conversations with her.

Primrose followed after, because she was moving in with Tracy, Selena and Eliza because she's a poor fuck and flatting is easier.

But Selena wanted none of this.

She got in the taxi and it drove off. (She can't fucking drive, she would just crash).

Eliza and Primrose were mildly pissed off by this, but oh well they would just call another taxi.

Then, because I need more DEATH... *evil cackle*

The entire funeral...



Luckily, Eliza and Primrose were far enough away to not be totally killed, which is surprising for Prim, since her name IS PRIMROSE. (Hunger Games fans where you at?)

But all the relatives and people in the funeral were killed.

RIP unknown and unnamed people. That really sucks.

Who blew up the building?

Was it John?

Oh dam (PJO reference)

Police and ambulance sirens can be heard in the distance, this helps to escalate the dramatic scene.

Selena gets home to her mildly crappy apartment, and opens the door absentmindedly.

She is busy playing Hay Day ("it's addictive!")

She turns on the light and looks up lazily.

Her favourite swivel chair (SWIVELLLL CHAAIIIR🤩) spins around to reveal...

"Holy fucking shit"

She drops her phone.

Dammit, it was a new one too.

Sitting on the swivel chair was someone she thought to be dead...

"Hello There" said the currently anonymous person.

God Author's Note: tehe i will leave you on a cliffhanger for a little while. Try guess who it is while you wait.

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