A God sent chance-5

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It was on day two of their tour around metalworkers who had submitted applications to undertake the construction of the kitchen gardens that Jenny found a chance to poke into Harry's personal life. This was after they met one of her colleagues and old friend from college. He was surprised to see Harry sober and Jenny could see the undeniable joy in his eyes.
"It's been forever man, and you are all sobered up, wow I never thought I could see this day come. So where do you work, where do you live, do you have a girlfriend yet? I have a lot of questions, anyway, how have you been bro?" He asked looking all excited hugging Harry like a long-lost brother.
"Jenny this is my college roommate and friend Robert, Robert this is our project manager Jenny, am doing great brother," Harry replied introducing them and returning the warm hug.
He looked at Jenny as though to see approval then continued, "we can talk about all your questions later bro but to answer one important one, yup am all sobered up, in fact, born again I work with an NGO to help teenagers struggling with addiction." Robert's eyes widened up in surprise after the last statement that Harry said. Jenny was just smiling and could see their need to catch up.
"you know what, you two look like you have a lot to talk about. It's already lunchtime and honestly, I won't mind hearing a bit about the younger Harry so how about I treat you both to lunch and you can talk. Oh, and don't mind me you can pretend am not even there," Jenny said seeing an opportunity to get Harry's trust.
She could see their excitement at the offer as they immediately started talking about the nearby restaurants. "Slow down, you have an hour and a half tops to catch up so we can go into Terry's Bistro, it's right at the end of this street, its small but good enough for everyone especially the food, Jenny said leading them into the nearby bistro where they sat at a corner and the two gentlemen started their chat.

 "Slow down, you have an hour and a half tops to catch up so we can go into Terry's Bistro, it's right at the end of this street, its small but good enough for everyone especially the food, Jenny said leading them into the nearby bistro where they...

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The bistro

Jenny smiled all the way as they narrated their experiences to her. She couldn't hide the excitement when Robert mentioned Sharon in one of his questions and Harry's excitement turned cold and his eyes became all teary and emotional. From what she heard listened in, these two were practically closer than brothers and she knew Harry could be himself around Robert. On seeing the emotions all over Harry, she offered him a clean handkerchief and excused herself. She wanted to hear his response but as long as she was there she knew Harry would hold back. She needed to leave to build up trust and respect. After all, now she had a starting point for future reference. She went to the washrooms and when she got back she sat on a corner table away from their eye view, but she could see both of them quite well.
She watched as Harry narrated what seemed to be an emotional and painful ordeal. She could see Robert rub his back severally and Harry wipe tears off his face. She had learned quite a bit about Harry and one thing was certain he was a man who could hold his ground pretty strong. This meant that whatever happened between him and Sharon was too big to hold back the tears, and this meant it was very emotional. Their time was up but she knew that talk was much needed for Harry to let go of the pressure. She rescheduled the appointment they had. Wrote a note for harry through a waitress and left quietly. She could pick it up from there and she was glad for that God sent chance of a breakthrough with Harry.
Harry could feel his own heartbeat as he stood outside Jenny's office trying to figure out exactly what to say to her. He received the note she had left two hours after their scheduled appointment. He was glad she had not interrupted as he really needed to talk all his pressure out with his long-lost friend. They always spoke over the phone and on social media, but he had not told him yet how things ended with Sharon. He also knew that appointment was important and was not sure what to tell Jenny for being so considerate and Paolo for letting his personal issues get in the way of his work.
"come in already Harry," Jenny shouted so Harry could hear from outside the office where he had been standing for about 20 minutes. She was waiting on the guests' couch in her office when Harry came in and she waved for him to sit next to her. "Relax first, have a glass of water, let go of everything you rehearsed to say, then speak from your heart, and don't worry I rescheduled the meeting as I could see what you were talking about was important," Jenny said as he watched Harry pick up a glass of water and take a seat next to her. Harry took a deep breath and smiled back at Jenny. All the issues in his mind had been settled and now he could relax and think of where to start or what to tell and what to leave out. He knew he was not obliged to tell Jenny what they were talking about with Robert, but it would be rude not to say anything after she had allowed him such a moment within his work schedule. He knew his work status since Sharon returned was not exactly secure and it was a huge favor for Jenny to give him an entire afternoon and not report it as time off. It was clear she cared, and He could see her concern the previous afternoon as she reluctantly left the table to him and Robert for some privacy.

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