Giving my heart away....

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When Jenny got home, she couldn't help herself, she wept as she recorded and reminisced of Sharon's narration. For a long time, she was in the dark and now that she was enlightened she was not sure if being in the dark was better. But she had set herself out to help and she was not going to back out now.
The next morning Jenny waited for Sharon in her office, but she didn't show. Harry stole glances here and there but didn't talk. He was not sure what to make of the day before when he left Jenny and Sharon talking behind closed doors. Was his secret with Sharon out or what was up? Sharon got to work that day almost at 11 am. She stayed only a short while and left with just a short meeting at the hr office and a short conversation with Jenny outside the office complex on her way out.
The next day was more ordinary for Sharon but she stuck to short conversations and kept to herself. Jenny was giving her time to process opening up. Harry on the other hand could not take it anymore. When later that afternoon Jenny called him to her office, He could not help but feel like he was bonding the bars accused. As soon as He got into Jenny's office, he did not wait for Jenny to say a word. He started blubbering and pouring his heart out and Jenny led him to the couch without interrupting and just listened.

Harry's Narration
"Am not sure what Sharon told you but it's just one side of the story and I regret what I did but am not even sure how to start. I was in love and believe me I wasn't taking advantage of the new girl in the organization our relationship though secret meant a lot to me. Okay, let me relax a bit and start from the beginning.
Sharon was new, and she was amazingly beautiful. Innocent and pure. I fell for her the first day I saw her. All the new girls threw themselves all over me but this one was different. Dark skin and always shining bright teeth exposed under her well-formed killer smile. I was afraid of asking her out at first and when I was assigned to be her coach in community fieldwork. It was a prayer answered every morning when I saw her I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was wide awake. She was a piece of my dreams turned into reality.
She was always elegantly dressed and no matter what she wore, her beautiful figure was well visible with her curves forming and reforming against her long dresses as she walked. When I finally gathered the strength to ask her out, I was surprised she had said yes. She was new, and I needed to know and confirm to myself I was all in not just my lusts of her beauty guiding me.
I took her out several times and we agreed to take it slow and keep it under the radar. When she was almost through with her internship, our relationship was on a whole new level. All I could think of was her and I could see a future with her. When she gave herself to me the first time, I was ready for all the consequences even marriage and a family with my beautiful queen.
After our first time, I walked around smiling like a fool even the thought of her made me happy beyond words. We were doing great that week. Smiling at each other even with long-distance gazes. When it was the weekend, I had to travel to see my family whom I had been away from for a while and I also needed to spend some time apart from her so that she could have space before we made our relationship official and file it with the hr as organization policy required.
When I came back on Monday, she had changed. She was cautious and said very little around me. She seemed pale at times and other times really brilliant. She left early most of the week and I was very confused. She didn't text as much as before and whenever I called her in the evening she made excuses to end the call after one or two minutes. I thought about anything I would have done to upset her or make her mad at me. Then on Friday when we were supposed to meet for an evening out together, she showed up and she looked fine and responsive to me, but she had to leave early due to a stomach upset and she could not let me escort her home.
That night I could not sleep thinking about her, if she was okay and what would have happened for her to change when we were about to make it official. That's when it hit I was going to be a dad. That made sense and I just had this feeling, but something told me I was right. I had seen a few of my close friends pregnant on campus and the signs were all there. I was so excited, and I could not wait to break the news to her then it dawned on me; it was her news to break to me. She must have been debating whether to tell me or not, of how I would react if she did tell me, I knew she needed to know I was on board to ease her decision. I thought of texting her or calling her but no that was a bad idea what she needed, I thought, was signs to show her I was 100% on board.
The next morning I woke up with an excitement I could not explain. I called my sister to ask for advice and after a brief breakfast meeting, I was sure I was ready. I was going to support her and as soon as our baby was born I would ask her to marry me or even before she had the baby then we could have the wedding after the baby was born. I was on fire I tell you, Jenny. At work, I tried to stay calm near Sharon being sensitive and getting her anything I thought she needed out of the blues even without her asking.
The next evening, I just found myself walking into a baby shop looking around and asking about baby clothes for different seasons. I even bought two baby suits that really took my breath away in different sizes and a furry apron for the cold season; and a light suit which I could see my baby wearing when leaving the hospital after he or she was born. Then I went into a custom jeweler. I chose an amazing design and paid a deposit all I needed was to get her finger measurements for the engagement and wedding ring to be made. I even used my family prepaid card for the first time in two years.
I took her finger measurements when she fell asleep on my shoulders in the car as we traveled from a field visit with one of the project managers. Everyone was so tired so no one was paying attention therefore, no one would tell on me to Sharon which was great for my plan to surprise her. I would pick up the custom-made ring in two weeks. In the meantime, I had the baby clothes wrapped up really well and a huge and colorful congratulations card in my backpack to present to her when she broke the news all I had to do was wait.

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