The meeting- part A

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Saturday morning came, and Sharon sat on her bed, Harry's journal on her lap not sure what came with the day. One thing she was sure of was that she would be in the arms of the man that her heart refused to hate even with all the reasons she had to hate and despise him. She closed her eyes and remembered the time when she saw their son for the first time and how she longed for him to be there and hold him and kiss her and tell her she had done well.

After reading his journal she was sure he would have found her part of the journal that told him she had delivered their baby. In his letter, he had promised if she had delivered the child he would do all he could to return him to her arms. She knew this was the day he began to keep that promise but he also needed to know that she wanted him by her side when she held their son once again.

She picked out a summer dress that Sister Margret had bought for her after she had Ros. It was white with yellow sunflowers and leaves printed on it. It was sleeveless with a high neck and a half bareback. A wide elastic black soft belt waist after which the dress flared all the way above the knee. She chose to wear flat ankle boots and held her hair back with a band. She thought of carrying a handbag or a clutch, but she decided she would wear one of her white college jackets to carry her phone and purse in its pockets instead. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time and she was ready.
She looked at Harry's journal and remembered she had not written a reply. She picked it up sat at her dressing table and wrote only a sentence. She put it in her inner pocket and as soon as it fit in she left her house.

Harry woke up on Saturday with eagerness in his heart. The knock on the door told him he was late for the meeting which was set for eleven-thirty. He had invited his sister to the meeting and she was carrying a priceless gift for Sharon one he should have given her a year and ten months before. He wore khaki trousers, a checked blue and white pilot shirt, and white loafers. He had also sent his sister a few baby boy clothes with instructions of size to fit a year-old child.

The morning after he had read Sharon's journal, he had gone to his sister's workplace and requested her to take a day off. She knew it was important and they sat at a café as he gave her the journal to read for herself. Afterward, he requested her to shop for his son because he would do all he could to get him back, and at least they had a name. The sister knew a few people in the children's welfare and would help but it would take a while since the child was born in Voi and probably adopted in the same or neighboring county. After Harry checked that everything he had sent his sister was ready and set in his backpack, they both left for terry's bistro.

Jenny, sister Anna, and baby Ros decided to have their late breakfast at Terry's bistro so that they could plan themselves on how best to introduce young Ros to his parents. They finally decided that Sister Anna would join them later and so she and baby Ros left to visit one of her old friends and would be back at twelve for lunch. Jenny requested a private space at the bistro and it was prepared for the meeting. As Jenny waited, she thought of all she knew now and how their reactions were as they read through each other's journals and she was not sure which one of them had the toughest time reading through, but she was sure they were both not expecting what they got, and she could only imagine their responses.

Sharon was first to arrive; Jenny could still see the young college girl she once was in Sharon as she walked in. She looked elegant and her college jacket and lack of a handbag made her look a bit rebellious. Sharon walked into the bistro with her hand pocketed in her college jacket. When she spotted Jenny, she removed her hands from her pocket and smiled as she walked towards her. Jenny stood to receive her with a handshake, but she was met with a warm hug and a thankyou whisper in her ears. She closed her eyes as she savored that moment as she could feel the burden was lifted from the young beauty's heart.

Sharon had a lot to tell Jenny, but Jenny urged her to wait until Harry got there so they could both share in the presence of the other. Sharon smiled at the suggestion. She was ready to finally open up in front of Harry.

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