Chapter Eight

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Jennie didn't want to seem too needy or desperate and she definitely didn't want to come off as the lonely widow, so she waited until the following morning to respond to Lisa's previous email. She isn't sure if the woman has started working again, but an idea struck her when the dark-haired woman mentioned she's a photographer. She really thinks this will help with Lisa's boredom, hopefully the woman accepts.

Hopefully Jennie didn't overstep, but all of that can wait because there is a more pressing issue at the moment.

"So, what do you think about my proposal, daddy?" Jennie timidly prompts for him to speak, because he has yet to say a word.

He's still intently reading over the packet she printed for him, his bushy eyebrows furrowed in concentration while his thumb and index finger mindlessly stroke the stubble upon his chin. He hums softly to himself, turning back a page as a thought occurs and it creates a prickly sensation to invade every inch of her body.

He's always been a quiet man, stoic...stern. She never cared if she disappointed her mother, she knew the woman always loved her no matter what. But because her father was always so reserved, she craved to prove herself, her worth. She knows he loves her and Jisoo very much, it's evident by the way he smiles at them and hugs them close, like he's terrified of letting the world get its hands on them. He just doesn't say much.

He suddenly exhales loudly, his finger scratching his upper lip, beneath his nose. His brown eyes slowly crawl away from the papers laid out, her hopes and dreams for a new future exposed and waiting for her father's stamp of approval.

"Are you sure about this, my dear?" He investigates in a stern tone, but his eyes are so soft and inspire her heart to sag in relief.

"Yes, I am very sure."

He nods slowly, his gaze dropping back down to the papers and it takes everything in Jennie to remain calm and not shoot up from her chair and demand an answer already. She's only been sitting there for an hour and a half, in almost complete silence after her fifteen minute speech.

"Why haven't you spoken to your mother about this? I believe she should be here as well."

She exhales all her trepidation to sound calm when she answers this. "Mother has been...hovering lately. She is constantly obsessing over every move I make. She nearly lost her damn mind when I sold the firm. She doesn't trust my judgement right now, but if I could get you on my side, maybe she will accept this plan before dismissing it without a fair chance."

He nods again, slower this time, contemplating her words and allowing them to roll around in his head.

"I will speak to her," he finally says after what feels like a lifetime.

"So, is that a yes to my proposal?" She inquires, holding her breath in case there's a sharp blow that steals her breath away.

He drags his eyes away from the paperwork and finally meets her chestnut eyes, right away she spots the mirth twinkling in those big orbs. He doesn't answer, he simply nods once and she is leaping from her chair and wrapping her arms around his neck like she did when she was a tiny little thing and he would come home from work, smelling so fruity.

"Thank you. Thank you, daddy," she whispers, burying her face into the crook of his neck and relaxing when he holds her close. It was always a promise to give his all and protect her from the cruel world.

And she knows it's also a silent apology that the world still found her and broke her in a way he hoped never would.

Very slowly, she slips away and gathers up the papers to place them neatly for her mother. "Alright, I should be heading home."

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