Chapter Twenty-two

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Lisa has been spending every waking moment stressing over what she is going to do about her potential future moving across the country, 2,797 miles away. Give or take. Things are not looking up for her.

However, there was a brief moment of distraction when Lisa's birthday had come around. Jennie had surprised her with a pop-up art show, thanks to Wendy because obviously Jennie had no idea where to find one. Although, Jennie did know where to take Lisa out to dinner beforehand, some classy Italian restaurant where Lisa was able to forget about her diet for one evening and indulge in everything that was finger-licking delicious.

The art show was everything and more to Lisa; so many up and coming artists with paintings, charcoals, pastels, some sculptures, pottery and photography as well. The variety was overwhelming and Lisa was as giddy as a child on Christmas morning, gifted a trip to Disney. Lisa knew Jennie was less enthused, but her date stood beside her with a smile the entire time. Except for one moment when Lisa excused herself to the restroom and some woman had stopped her because she had recognized Lisa and heard about her through the grapevine. And maybe Lisa chatted with the woman and maybe she received a business card to come check out the stranger's gallery.

On several occasions, Lisa had caught Jennie just staring at her and not the artwork on display. And Lisa had never felt more like a masterpiece all on her own than in that moment. She had never felt so desired in her entire life. Too bad they had a few too many glasses of champagne that night and ended up passing out the second their heads hit the pillow.

Lisa had become rather busy with work as well. People these days seem to be obsessed with the idea of fall and anything pumpkin, so her small business spiked. She thought she was busy over the summer, but engagement photos seemed to double and every family was pleading to book time with her to take pictures in some forest that could eventually be used for Christmas cards. Any free time she had, she spent searching for openings for apartments. Rosie pointed out that she was only searching for places that were strictly for rent, never to buy. Lisa brushed off the insinuation and found a dinky one-bedroom, but they both knew that was another sign that she was keeping her options open.

Just in case California should ever call.

Jennie was spending a lot of time traveling back and forth to California. She had made her decision on a property and was dedicating every free moment to remodeling the abandoned hotel along with building her own home on the many acres as well.

The days spilled into November and before Lisa knew it, Thanksgiving was there. There was no more denying their connection and even though they had yet to slap a label on their relationship, everyone knew they were...together. Everyone eventually stopped questioning and talking about it, because even Lisa and Jennie didn't discuss it. So, they spent Thanksgiving in New Jersey with the Kims and were home by Saturday to celebrate one more Thanksgiving with Lisa's parents, Rosie and her Aunt Dara.

"Your place or mine?" Lisa asks as they step down from the Manoban's home, the bitter air instantly biting at their cheeks and forcing their eyes to water.

Jennie wraps her arms securely around Lisa's bicep and burrows into her warmth. "Yours," her husky voice murmurs into the night, persuading Lisa's heart to fall even more in love with this sexy woman.

"We always stay at mine," Lisa complains, moving around her car to unlock Jennie's side first. "Are we gonna talk about how ever since I got my own place, you don't want to sleep at yours with me anymore?" She asks, not at all judgmental, but stating the obvious as she pops open the squeaky door for the brunette.

Jennie's leather glove gently cups Lisa's rosy cheek as her plump lips caress the pout Lisa is sporting. Yet, no words are exchanged when she slips into her passenger side and Lisa closes the door for her. A smile subconsciously forms when she rounds the car and watches as Jennie leans across the center console and unlocks the driver's side for her.

The Heart That Beats For Her || jenlisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang