Chapter Eleven

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She initially didn't want to tell her parents where she was headed, but it was kind of hard reaching the door undetected when she had to pass through the living room where Marco and Chittip were cuddling and watching their evening shows together. So, she had mentioned the drive-in, which they immediately approved and thought was a fantastic idea for her to get out of the house, but she may have fibbed about who she was going with.

Rosie sort of slipped off her tongue reflexively.

There really isn't any reason as to why she can't meet a friend for a movie, but her mother has already been pressing the issue and searching around for more information regarding Jennie. Really between her mother and Rosie, it's like she has a pack of wolves constantly sniffing around her for more information, ready to bite anyone who comes too close and could possibly be a threat. So, she decided to tell a white lie to skip over the interrogation this evening.

The entire drive to Brooklyn, she has been a buzzing ball of energy. Maybe it's the anticipation of doing something different and escaping the confines of her parents' home. Except, there is a little voice, whispering from the flutters of her heart that inform her that she's ecstatic to see Jennie once again. She shuts that down quickly though and tells herself she really, really, loves Back To The Future, which the drive in is playing all three this evening. Which means she probably won't be getting home until close to four in the morning, but it's worth it. She needs a night out.

"Take the next right turn."

Her eyes flick down to her phone to check the GPS just before she follows the directions. Of course, someone as classy and sophisticated as Jennie, she should have suspected her to be in the heart of Williamsburg, the trendiest place in Brooklyn. She quickly finds a spot in front of the most ritzy piece of architecture Lisa has ever seen. The townhouse is one giant masterpiece of glass windows and she is already anxious to find out how classy, modern, and over the top Jennie's decor will be.

She quickly exits her car, pockets her keys and jogs up to the building, pretending not to notice that this place is well over a million dollar home. She can only imagine how much Jennie sold her law-firm for if that business was able to purchase a place like this.

She fiddles with her keys inside her hoodie while her other hand rings the doorbell. She doesn't know why this feels like a first date, which is absolutely absurd, they are just friends, but that's exactly how her nerves feel at the moment. She rapidly snaps her neck from left to right to loosen the tension forming and that's when the door swings open.

There goes her damn heart again, hopping around in her chest like a puppy that missed its owner all damn day while she was away at work. And she is convinced this heart remembers this woman's presence.

"Lisa," and it's a teasing tone accompanied by a sly smirk and she's sure her heart is about to explode through her chest and leap for this gorgeous brunette with open arms.


"Come on in," Jennie politely offers, stepping aside and granting Lisa access. "I'm almost ready. I figured I could pack some healthy snacks for us while we watch the movies."

"Oh yeah? I packed some too. What do you got?"

And she's momentarily distracted as Jennie pivots on the grey polished floorboards and sashays away toward another room. Maybe the sway in Jennie's hips is the cause, but Lisa's doe eyes are studying the tight black jeans and the white button down blouse the brunette has chosen this evening. She looks stunning, that much is obvious, but Lisa can't help but wonder why this woman chose to dress so...nice...for a drive-in movie nonetheless.

" carrots and maybe a bag of skinny pop."

Lisa blinks away her thoughts, that insist this woman thinks of this as some kind of date, just catching the tail-end of Jennie's sentence. It's all ridiculous, she knows this, but who the hell dresses up to sit in a car?

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