Chapter Twenty-five

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Together Lisa and Rosie lift the portrait off the ground and carefully line it up with the hooks that Lisa placed around her living room.

"Jeez, these suckers are heavy," Rosie gripes, for the fifth time to be exact, but Lisa doesn't say a word, thankful that her friend has been helping her all afternoon. "Did they have to be so huge? They are as tall as me."

"That's the point, Rosie," Lisa mumbles, focusing on lining the frame just right. "There," she breathes and then very slowly takes a step back, in sync with her best friend.

"We did it."

"We did," she mindlessly confirms while her eyes study the last piece to her collection.

Pride swells in her chest, filling with warmth and expanding like a balloon, however, she's slightly nervous that Jennie is going to reject the idea and pop all her hopes and dreams.

"Next time though, call a professional mover."

"They need to be that big, they should be the first thing your eye is drawn to when you walk into the room. The center focus. They should steal your attention along with your breath. Nothing else should matter, the world should slowly fade away and you should feel like you're being absorbed into the picture," Lisa delicately explains, her mind, body, and soul feeling as though she's being transported in time to the night this art was created.

Rosie tilts her head to the side in consideration and hums. "I mean she does steal my attention and I definitely feel like I'm in the moment with her," she confesses as Lisa nods along slowly. "You're one lucky woman, Lis."

"I know," she agrees in a far off tone that is the definition of daydreaming.

"Can you make me the one you have in your bedroom?"

This snaps Lisa right out of her tranquil thoughts and urges her to shove her best friend as hard as she can. Yet, Rosie simply laughs, loud and bubbly and Lisa is reminded why she loves this woman so much.

"That's for my eyes only."

"Unless Jennie agrees," Rosie counters with a hint of amusement.

"Unless Jennie agrees," she repeats with a firm nod.

"And technically I already saw it," her friend teases, earning herself another shove, this time it's toward the door, so Lisa can prepare for the evening ahead.

"I think you outstayed your welcome."

"Alright, alright," Rosie chuckles with her hands up in surrender. "What time does Jennie’s flight land?" She inquires as they walk toward the door together.

"Five o'clock," Lisa answers, running her fingers through her hair.
"You're nervous."

"I know."

"Don't be," Rosie flippantly states, bending down to slip into her fur boots. "She's going to love them, Lis. I promise. They are stunning."

Lisa glances back, peeking over her shoulder to the enormous portraits hanging side by side in her living room. Warmth instantly spreads through her heart and disperses through her veins to heat her body up. She's so damn proud. No matter the outcome, she's so proud of herself.


"Huh?" She whirls around to discover her best friend's green eyes glowing with love.

"You're amazing. Try and relax, okay? It's just Jennie."

She exhales like she's been holding her breath since her friend first stepped into her apartment. "I know, but I've only seen her once in the past month and it's her birthday and then with all this," she gestures wildly at the artwork decorating her background.

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