Chapter Eighteen

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Jennie and Lisa decided that they didn't have to decide on anything at the moment. Jennie knows she's not ready for a relationship, her husband only passed away nine months ago. However, she also knows that Lisa is an extraordinary soul and she can't possibly push that woman out of her life.

So, live.

They are going to live life and whatever is, shall be and they aren't going to stress or obsess over labels or the future. They are simply going to live each second to the fullest, take advantage of being alive, and breathe in the moment.

"I-oh-wow," Lisa stammers as her feet abruptly halt behind Jennie, who is leaning over the bathroom vanity, gliding a deep cherry red lipstick across her bottom lip.

Jennie's eyes crawl away from her own lips to meet Lisa's bulging eyes in the mirror. "You're never going to catch a buzz tonight if you can't even keep the drool in your mouth."

Lisa's mouth immediately snaps shut before she produces an audible gulp that sets Jennie's skin on fire. She isn't quite sure when the last time she felt this overwhelmed with lust. Yes, she loved her husband dearly, but they had been married for fifteen years and that burning fire of passion had settled. They were still very intimate and in love, but it's been fifteen years since she has felt that adrenaline, that buzzing, static electricity of pure lust. Those moments where her heart feels like it's going to burst through her chest from hammering so hard or she's constantly breaking out in chills from the unexpected touch.

"Sorry, you look...muy caliente," Lisa says, persuading Jennie's eyebrows to skyrocket in amusement.

"Muy caliente?"

"Yeah, you have this whole Latin Lover, deep in Havana Nights thing going on," Lisa awkwardly rambles as her eyes soak up the coral, spaghetti-strap dress that slightly flares just beneath Jennie's bottom, perfect for spinning in and catching everybody's attention. Jennie can feel the temperature rising in her blood with that predatory glint sparking in Lisa's brown irises. "And the deep lipstick...and those hoop earrings. Yup, your father is definitely gonna murder me by the end of the night," she solemnly confirms, but it only inspires Jennie to chuckle. "Does he have a shotgun lying around here somewhere? I should probably go hide it."

Jennie quickly spins around on her stilettos and leans against the vanity, her fingers curling around the marble to keep her hands from wandering. And they are itching to wander because Lisa is squeezed in the tightest black jeans possible with those damn suspenders and this forest green t-shirt that still has a collar and a pocket and Jennie isn't sure if it's dressy or casual. For the first time ever, she really doesn't care what the fashion attire is, she just wants her hands all over it.

"Am I...underdressed?" Lisa shyly questions when she notices she's under Jennie's inquisitive survey. She stuffs her hands into her front pockets as she rocks nervously and damn those suspenders for stretching and flaunting so seductively in Jennie's face.

"No, not at all. Actually," she hums, her gaze trailing down to admire Lisa's slim physique beneath those suspenders, "these are quite sexy," she compliments, finding the courage to glide her index finger beneath one of the straps.

She's going to pretend she doesn't notice how Lisa holds her breath as the back of her nail skims down Lisa's torso.

"Is this flirting now?" Lisa blurts out, encouraging Jennie's dark gaze to flick back up to Lisa's curious eyes. "I mean, you always confuse me. You always sound like you're flirting, but I'm not really sure if that's just how sexy your voice is? But now, this is flirting, right? We can openly do that now."

Jennie seriously regards Lisa for a moment before her lips crack into a warm smile and she releases a hearty chuckle. Lisa's nervous compliments are all the ego boost Jennie needs to grip those suspenders and tug the woman closer.

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