"Cela va aller"

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~ Listen to the instrumental version of Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts ~

When Harry got to my room, I was half asleep. I got up, tired, and opened the door. I let him in, then shut the door and headed back to the comfortable bed. He chuckled, setting a bottle down on the dresser.

" Everything okay? " He asked, and I responded with a low growl. He sighed and sat on the bed, next to where I was laying facedown. " C'mon Alexandria. You called me, I know something is on your mind. " He said, his voice sounding so smooth and nice.

I sat up and crawled over to him, attacking him with an akward hug. ( I was tired, okay? )

He sighed again and shifted so he was my big spoon. " Alright. Spill. " He requested, laying his head on mine.

" I hate you. I hate you for making me care about you, without even trying. I hate you for being perfect. I hate you. I hate you because I love you... And I hate cancer. And I hate Tyler, and Zayn... And I hate myself. "

By this time, I was bawling. Harry reached over and grabbed the bottle, handing it to me. I took a huge swing. It burned at first, but then felt amazing. So I chugged the whole bottle.

I ended up a crying mess, complaining how I hate everything. I soon fell asleep, right on Harry's chest.

~~~ Moment of silence for Alex's emotional breakdown. Enjoy. ~~~

( Distance: Christina Perri&Jason Mraz )

I wake up to a sleepy Harold. He had glasses on, a book in his lap. I smile, looking at his brillant features, his lovely hair, eyes, cheeks. Everything.

He shifts, grumbling. I chuckle and pick up the book he is reading. " Cela va aller? " I question outloud. Harry, suddenly awake, rubs his eyes under his glasses, then commenting " Yeah. It's french. It means ' It's going to be okay. ' " I nodd my head, looking at it. He gets up and heads into the bathroom while I wait.

I bit my lip when he comes back in the bedroom. I smile, getting my phone. I quickly snap a pic of him, standing there, glasses on. ( Pic above )As I study the picture, I giggle. " You nerd. Stop being perfect. " I mumble. He comes over, climbing on the bed.

( Penguin; Christina Perri 🐧 )

I burst out laughing as he begins tickleing me to no end. " HAROLD STOP ITTTT! " I beg, giggling. He kisses my cheek, my neck, my nose, then rubs his nose against mine. " You should erase that picture. " He mumbles, his forehead pressed against mine. " And... If I don't? " I tease, looking at him. He smiles back at me, gently kissing my forehead. " Well... " He says, pausing. He stares at me, a sly grin on his face. He leans in, gently, slowly.

Panic. Fear. I hold my breath, as he kisses me. Slow, smooth, sweet, perfect. It was as if the world had just... Paused. Stopped. For us, for right now. For our moment.

" And then that moment ended. " ~ Flynn Ryder, Tangled.

A knock on the door. Shit. Harry pulled back, winking at me. I gave him a small smile, but somehow I knew this couldn't end well.

" Harry let me in! "

Tyler's voice.

" Just... Give me a moment! I didn't expect you to get here this fast. "

Harry's reply.


He knew?

Harry shut the door, and returned to me. He could tell by my face that I knew. " How could you, Harry? W-why... I asked you not to call him! " I yelled, upset. " Just, calm down, okay?! I called him because you seemed upset! " Harry replied as I got up, gathering my things. " Harold that isin't your damn call, okay?! " I retorted.

" Well you seemed to enjoy kissing me... " Harry snarled. I stopped, turning to him. " You... You did that just because you could. You know what? Fuck. Off. " I tell him, getting everything and heading towards the door.

" Damn it, wait! " Harry called after me, as I opened the door. Tyler barged in, shoving me in. He slammed the door, locking it. He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the bed. " What the actual fuck is wrong with you Alexandria?! Leave, and go to Uncle James' place?! " Tyler yelled, pacing.

I rolled my eyes at him, until he stopped, picking up a photo I had left. " Where... Where did you get this? " Tyler asks, his emotional state not clear. I get up and walk over to him. " Put that down Ty. I got it from Uncle James' place. " I tell him.


Tyler yells out and sets it down. " FUCK! " He yells outloud. He looks at me and slaps me, no warning. I scream, and Harry rushes over to me. " Tyler back the fuck away from her. " Harry yells, pushing me behind him. " I think you should leave. You're drunk. " Harry says, quieter.

Tyler rolls his eyes and responds " No man. Imma stay here. You leave. " I tug on Harry's arm, pulling him. We leave, and I start crying again. My cheek stings.

I try to get into the car I drove, but Harry pulls me and forces me into his range rover. The whole way to wherever we are headed to, silence.

We reach his house, and I hesitate, looking out the window. Last time I was here, bad shit happened. " I'm sorry Alex. " I hear Harry whisper. I look back at him. " Me too Harry. Me too. " I reply, getting out.

Once inside, Harry repeaditly asks if I'm alright. About the 80th time, I chuckle and reply " I'm FINE. " He nodds, dissapearing. He comes back, shirtless. I bit my lip, closing my eyes. Maybe if I don't look, I won't get attracted to him. " Want to come upstairs with me? " His raspy voice asks, seductivly. Fuck it.

~~~ Author's notessss ~~~

Hiii! So... Next chapter is like, sex. So beware. Love you all. I might start suggesting songs. Btw. Okay, I'll shut up now. Love ya. Bye.


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