A kiss

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Alex's POV

I haven't thought about anything else besides Harry. His words alone made me cry harder. Here I am, curled up on my bed and drawing him. ( Pic on side or top ) I added black wings, so he could be free. Tyler isin't here, and my mom is at work again, so I'm home alone. How could I be so stupid? Harry will never love me.

Tyler's POV
I could hear my sister's crying from downstairs. Poor girl, I know Harry must have hurt her in some way. But how could she be so naive? Giving away her virginity to that scum? I would go comfort her, but I think the better idea is to just sit her on the island and get drunk. Yeah.

Zayn's POV
I stopped at Harry's house, and the door was unlocked. I went inside to find Harry, piss drunk. I shook my head, poor guy. " What happened Hazz? " I asked him. " Where is Jessica? I think I want her now. " He responded. I chuckled, smiling slightly. " You dog you, let me go pick her up and I'll drop her off. " I told him, leaving. I did just that, and when Jess walked in, her eyes got huge. Harry was naked already, and he grabbed her and dragged her upstairs. I might have just told her it was a party full of people. Left out the part of how Harry was about to fuck her till she couldn't walk. Well, I did have a party. Hopefully Harry won't mind. Ha. I might as well call Alex, and have some fun with her. Fuck it, right?

Alex's POV

When Zayn called me, and said he wanted to pick me up, I agreed. I trusted him way more than I trusted Harry. Harry was just like Jake- I know it! So, I legit cleaned up my face and folded up my drawing, placing it in my back pocket. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs, excited to go party. I bumped into a drunken Tyler. Shit. Someone knocked on the door as Tyler attacked me. " COME IN AND HELP
ME! " I screamed. Zayn busted in and ripped Tyler off of me. He gave him a few punched to keep him distracted, then took my hand, pulling me out. We ran to his car and headed off. We ended up at Harry's, much to my suprise. " W-what are we doing here? " I stuttered, noticing tons of cars. " Party-time. " Zayn said, dragging me inside. He vanished once I bent down to take off my shoes. That little shit. Too many people, too loud, too everything. I escaped upstairs, trying not to step on people who were making out. A girl, a drunk girl, pushed me against the wall and tried making out. Gross. I shoved her off and she was so tipsy that she fell down the stairs, pulling me with her. I landed ontop of her, just as Zayn came back. " Whoaa lesbians. Sexy. Let me see you dance Alex. " He purred. I took a deep breath. This was me changing, right? So I gave the girl a lapdance, and the girl started giggling. Finally too disgusted to continue, I held my hand out for Zayn to take. He lifted me up with one hand, his other holding a beer. Once standing, I took the beer and drank some. He watched me, eyebrows raised. I finished the beer, tossing the cup. I tugged him closer to the music, feeling slightly drunk already. " Dance with me! " I demanded, and he smirked. He pulled me close and I danced against him roughly, enjoyinh every bad-ass moment. He suddenly kissed my neck, suprising the hell out of me. Too fast. Too fast. Shit. " I have to piss! " I say loudly, escaping upstairs. I burst into Harry's room, my heart shattering into a million pieces. Jessica was ontop of him. How the hell could this happen! Every ounce of drunk-ness I had evaporated at the sickening sight. Harry looked at me, and shoved Jess off. Tears flooded my face, and too many memories came. I couldn't breathe. I needed air. I stumbled around his room, knocking shit down. I found his notebook as his arms reached around me. His naked body pressed against me, I screamed for Zayn. Then, blackout. Fuck it.

HI GUYS. NEED IDEAS CUZ IM WORRIED Y'ALL Won't like it.... IM SO SCARED YOU GUYTHS WILL LEAVE MEEEEE 😭😭😭😭 but anyways. I want nutella. So talk to meh. Merp. Byeee

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