Alex's change

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Alex's POV

I wanted to ditch Harry, like Zayn ditched me. But then how could I get home? I forced myself to wait for him, and we both wanted to leave. Harry seemed distant, and I knew it had to be that he didn't want to be seen with a good girl. He held the door open for me, but I didn't even mutter 'thank you'. If I planned on changing, I need to practice being rude. Hopefully this works! The drive to his place was silent, until I blasted some Linkin Park. I figured he liked them more than he liked Yo Yo Ma, an instrumental guy. Once we arrived, I headed towards the door. He hurried to unlock it and shoved me inside. Not waiting for him to close the door, I stomped upstairs and packed my things. " Wait, Alex? " was what I hoped to hear, but no. He was silent. He watched me pack, watched me stomp downstairs. He let me open the door, and I paused, secretly screaming for a response. " Need a ride? " his raspy voice called out. I answered by slamming the door. I never looked back as I began walking. I didn't know where the hell I was, but oh well. Might as well just walk. Oh! Maybe I'll find a tattoe place! Or get somethingh pierced! That will show stupid Harry. I kinda hoped he would change, but the bad boys don't change.

Harry's POV

I heard a knock on my door, and I rushed to it, hoping Alex changed her mind. I took a breath and opened the door to see a pissed off Tyler, not a beautiful Alex. He charged inside and looked back at me. " WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SISTER? " He screamed. Shit. I figured she would have called him. " I... I... " I didn't finish my sentence, I just bolted out of the house. I could care less is Tyler crashed the place. Hell, I'd even let him burn it. But Alex was lost, atleast to me. I needed to make sure she was safe. I got in my car and drove off, hoping I'd find her soon.

Zayn's POV
As I was getting a new Tat, I saw Alex stumble in, cold. She came alone, which was odd. I didn't think Harry would let her leave. I watched as she looked through the catologs ( can't spell, sorry ). My guy finished fast, and I payed him. I called Hazz before I went over to her- didn't want to scare her off. When Hazz didn't pick up, I knew something was wrong, so I sent him a quick text. ~Hey Mate, Alex is at Gim's place. ~ Hopefully he comes to get her, but in the meantime...

Alex's POV
Someone gently touched my shoulder, and I flinched. " Zayn!? " I exclaimed as I turned to the person. " Haha hey beautiful. Whatcha up to? " He asked. I bit my lip, remembering to be rude. " Why the hell do you care? " I scoffed, turning away from him. I could hear his gasp, and I tried to keep it together. " Umm just curious is all. Damn, you're fiesty today. Where is Harry? " I tooj a deep breath as I listened to his reply. Turning back to him, I responded " I'm NOT his keeper. Find out yourself! " I tried to lean away, but he grabbed me, and pulled me close. We seemed to be hugging, and he leaned his head down to my ear. " What tat are you getting? " He whispered, and I was beyond creeped out. " A rose... Maybe across my breast or something. Maybe you could help take off my shirt. " I whispered back, feeling dirty. Never had I been this gross. " What the fuck! " Harry yelled. I knew his voice by now. I pushed Zayn off, my eyes seeing Harrys. No one said a word as Harry dragged me out. His hand was freezing, and so large. 😍 He shoved me in his car and put the seatbelt on me. He locked the car as he strolled over to his side. He got in and buckled up, but didn't turn the car on. " WHAT THE FUCK. " He yelled, but I don't think he was yelling at me. He punched the steering wall over and over again, until I reached over and took his hands in mine. " Harry. Harry look at me. " I said softly. He lifted his head up, and his eyes looked darker than normal. " Why do you affect me so much? Why are you so perfect Alexandria? " His words caught me off gaurd. " I- I don't know... I'm sorry? " I replied, nervous. " I want to change for you... But I don't know what we are. All I know is that you can't leave me, okay? " Listening to his words, I realized everything was going so fast. At my old school, the same thing happened with Jake... My best friend.... And we began to fall in love, until....

Harry's POV

We were together, alone in my car. I was telling her exactly how I feel, when Alex burst into tears. That shut me up real fast. The fuck did I say? " Alex... I'm sorry? " I tried to say, but she ripped her hands from mine. " We can't be anything!! You need to stay away from me! You're going to ruin everything. I hate you. Goodbye. " With thise destroying words, Alex unbuckled herself and reached over me. I held my breath as her hair fell on me, as she unlocked the car. I grabbed her hand, but she ripped it away again. She quickly opened the car door and ran as hard as she could. Here I am, telling my fucking feelings, and my girl runs off. Well... She wasn't exactly mine. But FUCK! How does this shit happen to me!? That's it. Her words echoed in my mind. ' I hate you. Goodbye. ' I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. GOODBYE. What does 'goodbye' even mean? I feel a lot for her and now she's gone. Fuck it. Imma gonna be an asshole. Just cuz I can. Operation Make-Alex-Love-Me. Damn. She's gotta pay for this shit. I hate feeling. Fuck it. Goodbye.


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