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Right before the party, I made a quick decision. My mom was right. I WAS changing, so why not embrace it! I ran out and got a new haircut, a new beanie, and an outfit for the party. I got back just in time, because Tyler burst in just as I was pouring the alchohal. " The hell happened to you? " he spit out, looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes and prepared to fight with him. " Whoa whoa whoa! Is this your sister you were telling us about Ty? " I looked over my brother's shoulder, and I saw Zayn and that boy. " Yeah. Don't pay attention to her. " Zayn laughed at Tyler's words. " Are you kidding me man? My eyes never ignore that kind of hot. " I blushed at his words, but tried to hide it. " Hm. " That boy murmered, scanning my body. I squinted my eyes, confused at him. I couldn't figure him out. I shook my head and let my mind wander.

" Yoooo man. Who's that chick? " I heard a drunk man slurr, wrapping his arm around me. Panic set in, and I elbowed him, escaping from the kitchen. I wandered into the living room, and saw everything. Gross, making-out couples, girls on girls... Etc. One boy stood out, him. He looked up at me and stood up. He swiftly came over to me, and I was frozen. He took my arm and dragged me up the stairs, and into my room. I shook him away and took a seat on my bed. " Harry. Harry Styles. " He spoke, and I whipped my head up. Deep, raspy, sexy... All define his perfect voice. Sitting down next to me, I let my head fall down on his shoulder. This is crazy! I don't even know this boy, yet I'm trusting him. " Where are your parents? " He asked gently. " My mom is with a friend. " I answered. He paused, staring at me. " That day... You hit Tyler... Why? " I asked, lifting up my head to look at him. His eyes looked at mine, and I shivered. Too close, too fast, too everything. But I didn't dare move, I'd mess up this moment. " He said something I didn't agree with... But I suppose he was right. " Harry told me, studing my face. I cocked my head to the side, but he shook his. Suddenly, the door burst open, an angry Tyler. " What the actual FUCK Alex! You can't just fucking sneak away with this fucktard! " He snarled. Harry tensed up beside me, but I stood my own ground. " Stop freaking out, shit! I'm old enough to do what I want, okay? What if I wanted to sleep around? Become a slut! " Tyler threw his head back and laughed. " You would never do that. You wanna stay a virgin till marrage, remember? Cuz poor daddy asked you to. Aww poor daddy! " Tears poured out of my eyes, and I charged towards him. Before I could hit him, arms wrapped around me, and forced me to stop. I screamed at my drunken brother to F off, and he seemed to take the hint. He stuck his tongue out at me and slammed the door in my face. Here it comes, a stupid blackout.

I woke up in someone's arms, dressed in just my undergarments and a boys shirt. I panicked again, hitting the person's arms. "Shhh Alex. It's me, Harry. " I paused, looking up at Harry's face. I cried and cried, letting my tears slide down his bare chest. Everything felt so calm, and finally I stopped. I allowed myself to fall asleep right there. I woke up again, this time alone. I quickly sat up, nervous, when my door opened. Harry appeared, his bare chest catching my eye. " Hi beautiful. The party is still alive down there. " He said, his raspy, sleepy voice making me on edge. He came over to me, and I grabbed his arm, pulling him into bed. " What are you doing silly head? " He mumbled, crawling in. " I wanna cuddle with a teenage boy. I use to with Tyler, when we were younger and when my dad... " I blinked several times and snuck in his hold. He kissed my head and let me lean my head on his chest. " My father was Tyler's best friend. My role model. My mom's hero... I guess when he got sick, Tyler had to try hard to shield me from it. But on the last month, it was me being there for my dad. My mom had to work, and my brother was busy screwing off. I wanted to prove to my dad I'd be the perfect one. I was for the longest time. He made me promise to save my first sex for someone special. And he also made me promise to protect Ty. So when you hit him... " I was sobbing by now, holding on to Harry like my lofe depended on it. " This is so crazy! I don't even know you... Yet I feel safe and secure. Why is that? " I grumbled, closing my eyes. " You remind me of my sister, Gemma. She passed away two years ago. Since then, my grades dropped and I hung out with my gang. Eric use to be her boyfriend... Don't turn out to be like me. Don't change. " I whimpered, because he seemed to become rough. He pinned me down, and stared down at me. " I noticed you've changed your clothes, your hair, your attitude... All in the last few weeks alone. DON'T become like me, okay? I bombed it, and all because my sister... Well she died. " I struggled underneath him, and finally switched our positions. " Chill. I'm changing for ME. " His anger faded away, and was replaced with lust. " You know, I quite like this position. " He commented, smirking. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, a smirk plastered on my own face. The door opened and Zayn came in. " Whoa whoa whoa! Seems like I'm missing out! Can I join the personal party? I want some action. " Zayn said, his eyes checking out our position. Harry growled " Back the fuck out Zayn. " Zayn laughed and came closer. " Why? You claiming her for the week or some shit? I can wait till your done. " I blushed, and Harry slipped from under me. I watched as he whispered something in Zayn's ear. Whatever it was, made Zayn run out of the room. Harry joined me again, and I hesitated to cuddle again. " What did you tell him? " I asked. " Told him Britt Johnson was downstairs. She was my slut for this week. He'd been begging for her. She's his. " He said, staring at me. I looked away, akwardly. " I guess I didn't think you'd tell me the truth. " I looked back at him, and fell asleep in his arms.

He shook me gently, waking me up. I squinted to see him, his gorgeous hair messed up, still no shirt. I groaned and stuffed my face on a pillow. He swiftly ripped it from under my head. " No! Babe! " I moaned randomly. I heard his amazing morning laugh, and I blushed, understanding what I said. I sat up and pretended to glare at him. He just smirked at me and shook his head. I climbed out of bed, and followed him out and down the stairs. I hoisted myself up on the counter, watching him prepare me food. Pancakes and Nutella. My favorite. We began eating, and I stole some food from his plate and he stole from mine. "Wanna try my pancake? " He asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes. " I'm sure it tastes the same. " He chuckled and held out his fork. I smiled and leaned down, eating off of it. He stood inbetween my legs, reaching his hand up, and wiping my face. I blushed, yet somehow managing to smile at the same time. " Alexandria Geanne! What the hell are you doing!?!? " Harry paused, and I was frozen. " Well well well. Welcome home mom. Meet Harry, Alex's new boy toy. " Tyler's words seemed to convince my mother I was insane. She began going off about how a lady should act, and blah blah blah. Harry and I stared at each other the whole time. She then turned to Tyler, scolding him for the mess that the party created. Harry shook his head and helped me down. I'm not sure why, but I allowed him to lead me back upstairs and into my bedroom. What is going on? Where did the old me go? And what will happen next? Can I trust Harry? Or will bad memories fill my brain, forcing me to betray him. Will I choose my brother, my mother, Harry, or someone in his gang, or even Eric and his friends? How will my life work out? ( stay tuned... )


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