Grave peril's

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A/n: sorry for the long wait everyone but here is the next chapter i feel like i got better at writing and I hope it shows so enjoy.

                           (Y/n POV)

'Ok were finally here but now what?'

Vylip:your a decendent of lady corvax this is the tomb of her husband, it would only open for someone of your bloodline so there's a way for you to get in.

'That's great an all but how am I supposed to open the door?'

Vylip: the life current obviously, remember your bloodline was one of the strongest users of the life current let It flow through you.

'Sure, im not even going to question that at this point.'

I close me eyes and hold out my hand as i focus as much of the force i could to the door as the ground starts to shake as the door slides into the ground revealing the coffin and alter inside.

'Man Im getting good at this let's go'

I begin walking forward but stop noticing the others aren't coming with me.

Vylip:We can't come with you, this is something only you can do now.

Zoe-3: Yeah captain, you go deal your personal business we'll be right here.

'Alright then I'll see you guys in a bit'

I walk into the room as the door behind me closes and floor beginning to decend, I breath out trying to relax as I look forward taking in the tense atmosphere

I walk into the room as the door behind me closes and floor beginning to decend, I breath out trying to relax as I look forward taking in the tense atmosphere

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'W-woah...this is her husband's grave...I'm still so confused about all of this but it feels weird.. knowing that everything that's happened so far leads to the grave of a dead man...I've done so many things to get here...and apparently i wasn't the first attempt there were others like me maybe family?...God I was so much better off not knowing all of this but now?'

*I start walking forward looking all around the crypt as I cough from the dust. Making my way up the stairs until I'm standing right infront of the tomb I place my hand on the slab of stone paying my respects.*

...Ok remember what you came here for...focus.

*I close my eyes focusing my mind and letting the force guide me the best it could as I begin to hear faint whispers and voices guide me.I whisper an apology before slowly moving the stone slab out of the way and looking inside. The tomb lets out a fierce pressure, I wincing and reach inside, taking out the handle of an ancient lightsaber.*

*I hold it in my hands as I turn it on the blue glow illuminating my face as I feel the energy pulsing from this weapon

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*I hold it in my hands as I turn it on the blue glow illuminating my face as I feel the energy pulsing from this weapon. I close my eyes focusing on this feeling until suddenly the ground shakes beneath me. I struggle to keep my balance as I see a pedestal rise up from the floor as well the room seemingly darkens as I could feel the force all around pressing down making it somewhat hard to breathe.*

'...The bright star...finally!

*I make my way to the pedestal but soon after I hear a dark and familiar voice I turn around frightened and hold my new weapon at the ready*

*I make my way to the pedestal but soon after I hear a dark and familiar voice I turn around frightened and hold my new weapon at the ready*

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???:I've been wait for you y/n.

'Wait...your the same person who stopped time helping me when I fell after getting split from Vader?'

???:Indeed I've been watching over you the whole time aiding you the best I could. My energy is  fading I knew I could find the one person who could fix the mistakes Lady Corvax made...My lady Corvax...My name Is Dorian Corvax.

*I Look on in surprise, as I look at the lightsaber in my hand then back to the grave*

'You were her husband...the entire reason she did all of this. Corvax lost herself trying to bring you back and now all these centuries later you were hoping for what? A chosen one? Well guess what, Your "chosen one" died with the rest of the jedi order! I don't know who you guys think you are but this is unforgivable...And now I'm here, caught up and in too deep to turn back now, when I got here I had no idea how far this problem went and now Im here stuck in the middle talking to the spirit of my dead ancestor apparently, brought here by the "force" to fix her mistake that left an entire planet destroyed!   


 You showed me the visions I don't know why but I felt drawn here you brought me here, and from what Vader told me you drew other people like me here too, and they all got captured and killed by the empire, now whatever he plans on doing with the bright star and the eon engine, I'm no where near strong enough to fight him Like I could even if I wanted to! You people were foolish and Corvax had to much power that ended up destroying a planet!

Dorian: I know...but you are this planets last hope...our last hope of fixing what we did, I know you might not understanding right now but you are special.  And I know the mistakes we've made are dire but we both want to make things right, our foul deeds will not go unpunished I assure you but for now all we want is to be together and Atone for the mistakes we've made in the past.

'...Fine I'll help save this place, there's nothing I can do except move forward  anyway. You can't expect me to just take the bright star give it to the Mustafarians and think the empire isn't just gonna kill them all and take it anyway. We need a plan to drive the empire away and off world so they won't bother this planet or the bright star ever again.

Dorian: Do not worry about that I have a plan.

(Ok and that's a wrap! I hope you you enjoyed the chapter Im so so sooo sorry about how long it took to get this up life has been difficult, and i've been too busy nowadays but I wanted to atleast let the few people who read my stories know that I'm back and updating again, I'll be updating my spider-man book soon too so i hope you enjoy and let me know if there's anything wrong or things i can change about the story it's been awhile and I got rusty but i hope you guys like it all the same. Ok have a great day everyone!)

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