The Break out

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Y/n: ok vylip, since your a native of the planet you know the in's and out's of the planet so you'll take point and find us the quickest way back to the windfall ok let's get going.

(And with zoe3's voice modulator she was able to get by the voice activated blast doors, just as the door open a trooper points his blaster)

S.trooper: Hold it right there

(0:55 to 0:59)

Y/n:Ok now that he's out let's get going going, vylip lead the way.

Vylip: right let's go

(The trio then starts running through the facility untill y/n stops and looks around the area)

Vylip:what are you doing!? We need to get out of here as fast as we can!

Y/n:(holds up a hand, and closes his eye's)

Zoe3:what are you doing captain?

Y/n: i-i don't really know?i just fealt somthing pulling me?

Vylip:what ever it was we can discuss this later for now let's get to the hyperlift and get back to your ship.


(The trio sneaks by imperil squads left amd right untill they finally get to the hyperlift)

Y/n:Ok vylip now that we have the time we need some answers, why is vader of all people hunting me down, what was that artifact for?

Vylip:ok ok calm down first vader has been here for months waiting for someone of your bloodline to unlock that artifact,and now that you have he is on the brink of unlocking unlimited power.

Zoe3:what type of power is that, isn't he already all powerful?what does he need with that much power?

Vylip:he's trying to control death itself,with that key he's now one step closer to that goal.

Y/n:wait what do you mean by my bloodline?

Vylip:what i mean is...

(But before he could finish the door slide open and troopers started shooting up the lift,vylip who stole a blaster and y/n who toke a hand blaster were shooting as well)

(But before he could finish the door slide open and troopers started shooting up the lift,vylip who stole a blaster and y/n who toke a hand blaster were shooting as well)

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Y/n: Shit zoe3 close the doors,he said in between gun shots.

Zoe3:roger roger

(Hovering over to the panel she closes the door in time)

Vylip:shit this area will be swarming with trooper in seconds,here take my lore totem (hands zoe3 the totem)you must find the priestess of my clan, down in the caverns below she's the only one who can help you now go! I'll hold them off

(After that vylip rushs out the door locking it behind him)

Y/n: *sigh* ok zoe3 were are we going?

Zoe3:now that the lifts are going into lockdown mode we need to move via the abandoned airducks above, good thing you have that blaster for what ever we see up there.

Y/n:alright hold on i'll use the spanner to open the hatch(kneels down opens panel) ok there(the hatch pops open)

Zoe3: I'll go up first

Y/n: alright let's just go already

(After climbing up the shaft,they both end up in a corridor leading into a dark room)

Zoe3: uh captain you take the lead on this on this one(pushes you ahead).

Y/n: ok stop pushing before i shoot you(slowly walks into the room with zoe3 close behind)

(You both enter and the door behind you closes and locks)

Zoe3:oh scrag ok,captain will i look for a way out watch my back(starts hovering to the one of the walls)

(A lone light shines on a pedestal in the middle of the room showing a weapon y/n wasn't expecting)

(A lone light shines on a pedestal in the middle of the room showing a weapon y/n wasn't expecting)

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/n: holy shit a lightsaber!? (As y/n reachs for the saber it suddenly into flies into his hand,and ignites lighting the room with a bright green hue)

Y/n:this feels so right,(takes a few practice swings)

(Suddenly a training driod rises from the floor,with a line of electricity it used to attack me)

(19:16 to 22:55)

(Scene break)

Vader: where are they going,tell me now and i shall grant you a quick death

(Vylip is held captured, chained to the wall behind him burned and bruised)

Vylip:I-i'll never tell you were they are! he'll stop your plans and save mustafar.

Vader:then you will die,(ignites saber)

(At that exact moment karris walks in)

Karris: sir the prisoners were seen climbing up the hyperlift shaft i've sent troops to surround the area.

Vader:good take him back to the cells
(After that he walks off)

(Scene break)

Y/n:finally,that take toke lesser time then i expected(puts saber on waist) i'll need more training tho so(kneel down next the broken droid searches for a second then pulls out a chip) now i can train on the windfall with this training chip

Zoe3: Um captain we need to leave NOW, i found shutters we can use to escape.

Author's note:that's the end this chapter,again sorry for any cringe, and hope you enjoyed the story.

(VADER IMMORTAL) male insertWhere stories live. Discover now