Fate has chosen you

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Author's note: (here)
Inner thoughts:"here"
Action scenes:(here)

(Sorry for not making this clear in the first three chapters now let get started.)

(3rd POV)

Y/n: Zoe3 are we close to the place vylip mentioned or did you get us lost.

Zoe3: ok first shut up, second were on the right track.

Y/n:*sigh*alright fine

(As the two keap walking through the darken caverns they reach a door.)

Zoe3: The totem,it's glowing, That must be lady corvax on the door .

Y/n:...(walks to the door a places hand on the door) so this is my ancestor. I never thought about my family's history, and now I'm in situation where I have to run from the darth vader, who somehow knows I'm connected to this person!? Zoe3 just put the put damn thing in there so we can get off this magma rock!

Zoe3: Roger roger(floats closer to the door,and holds up the totem)

(The door soon glows then opens revealing a person in the middle of the room.)

Zoe3:Um h-how about you go first captain?

Y/n:..Fine(takes weapon out of holster)

(The duo moves forward in in the room as the figure becomes more clear)

???:by the original light? I seems that vader has finally found his candidate?

Y/n:Um who are you?(hand hovering over your weapon)

???:I'm the priestess you were looking for.

???:I'm the priestess you were looking for

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Zoe3:Oh that great! You can hel-

Priestess: we don't have enough time i must show you so you will understand the situation is bigger then you originally thought.

Y/n:wait what are you talking about!?

(Without answering the priestess floats torwards y/n then put her hand on his forhead only to glow and have the surrounding area turn into a collage of art then begins to tell her tale.)

(33:38 to 35:07)

Priestess: Vader he's here!  he has the only key to lady corvax's sanctum when the time is right well take it from him and-

Y/n:Hold the fuck up, ok i understand the need to keep vader out of the sanctum, but this isn't our problem.

Zoe3:He's right vylip sent us to you because he thought you could get us off planet.

Priestess:Well circumstances has changed,and you(points to y/n)this is your problem, you weren't brought to this planet by chance. Fate has chosen you,now I must take my leave he's arrived you will me again.

(After finishing her sentence the priestess seemingly just dissapears into thin air.)

Zoe3:Oh yeah thanks for stopping by,this is just what we needed some fate, some ol'fashioned prophecy that needs to be completed, FUCKING GREAT!!

Y/n:calm down will ya we'll make it through this, just let's go before vader finds this chamber.(looks to zoe3 who floating backwards)

(Y/n turns around only to see vader with a peerage of s.trooper)


Zoe3: L-lord vader th-the mustafarians they-

(Without even talking vader force throws her through the chamber wall)

Vader: I will not take excuses!

Y/n: "oh shit" Zoe3!(turns around shocked)

Vader:You know what i seek, you will take the sactum key now!

Y/n: Uh o-ok "damnit i know i can take the troopers, but vader? I'd get slaughtered, or choked to death!

S.trooper:Hurry up!

Y/n: O-ok!

(Hesitantly y/n walks up to the door sanctum key in hand and puts in the compartment, suddenly the door opens reaveling an elevator like room)

Y/n: Wow the sanctum must be even farther down then these caverns " how did you do it corvax?"

(Vader, y/n, and the S.troopers enter the room, while the door shuts behind them)

S.trooper 1: I got a bad feeling about this?

S.trooper 2: so do I but but we have lord vad-AHH!!

(Before the trooper could finish he was slashed in half by a glowing red blade.)

Y/n: OH SHIT!!(falls on backside out of shock and fear)

Vader: Protect the prisoner ( walks forward unsheathing his blade)

Y/n:(gets up and takes out his own blade, and activates his saber  getting into his stance)

Y/n:(gets up and takes out his own blade, and activates his saber  getting into his stance)

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( Two robotic guardians dropped from the ceilling also wielding red blades)

Y/n: (sigh) "here we go"

(Y/n charges, the guardians swing there blades down while y/n rolls out of way then swings hitting one of the guardians in the leg cutting through, the same guardian then kicks y/n making him fly back into wall, the second guardian rushes y/n with tremendous speed,y/n gets up just in time to block the attack there he slides the guardians blade to one side while he slips by cutting through the guardians midsection effectivily destroying it. While The other guardian is seen rushing with more speed then the last one punching y/n in the face staggering him long enough for the guardian to kick him hard enough to make him hit the wall hard enough to for y/n to lose grip on his weapon,getting up slightly he craws to his weapon only to have it kicked out of reach by the guardian, the guardian is picks y/n up by his neck ready to finish until the guardian is suddenly lifted off the ground droping y/n in th process, vader useing the force thows the guardian into the others while pulling y/n's saber torward him, now duelweilding he masterfuly finishes off the rest of the sanctum guardians.)

Y/n:Agh that...was...badass. 

(After uderring those words y/n fell unconscious)

(Hello to the people who reads this story i truly appreciate the time you use to read this and i'm sorry for not uploading for awhile my online classes were taking up to much time  i promise I'll try to upload more often so until next time be safe, and have a great day.

(VADER IMMORTAL) male insertWhere stories live. Discover now